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Everything posted by pauljay

  1. Since i'll be seeing You together with Mistress Kang next week, a doubles shoot with the pair of You wailing away on a subbie (if i'm lucky, me) would be a wonderful treat indeed.
  2. It's a lot of fun to see You all having such a great time out together. i was impressed by Mistress Ahn's grillz but would beg Her to not wear them when we meet next week. They hide too much of that gorgeous smile!
  3. Each set of Mistress Ahn's photos are more spectacular than the last. Ms. Zhao's photography gets even better and Ms. Ahn seems to be even more comfortable and natural in front of the camera, allowing Her great beauty to shine through. These photos remind me that i haven't been able to see Her for too long a period and i hope to rectify that soon. i cannot wait to worship the gorgeous Mistress Ahn and to feel Her powerful blows all over my body once again. Yours, pauljay
  4. i certainly enjoyed having my mole whacked through the new wooden table by Mistresses Ahn and Seung. It was indeed a nice new piece of furniture. Perhaps i'll get to utilize the new box on my next visit.
  5. i can testify that Mistress Ahn's tan was indeed still deep and glowing on Saturday. It seemed to get even more intense as she worked up a little sweat while She delivered some well deserved punishment to me. my thanks go to a wonderfully talented and witty woman wrapped up in a truly gorgeous body. -- paul
  6. What a wonderful coincidence! You put up those animated and extremely attractive pictures of Mistresses Ahn and Seung just before i started a spectacular session with the both of them. Ms. Seung was so sweet and tender, not to mention very ticklish, when she kindly allowed me to dominate her for an hour. But after Ms. Ahn rescued Her, both of them made an overwhelming tag team: Ms. Seung showed plenty of strength and cruelty as She took Her revenge. Mistress Ahn punished me even more severely for one final hour all by Herself, and it's certain various marks will last quite a while, as will the memory of the beauty of them both. i apologize that my hard rear broke one of Your canes! i'll add some more details on the Devotee's Forum for anyone who's interested pauljay
  7. While i very much doubt i'll be the first to see Your tanned anatomy, i do trust that the golden glow won't have faded by the time i see You in a couple of days. But even if it has faded a bit, Your underlying beauty will always remain luminous. paul
  8. While i'm much more into agony than dress-up, i do enjoy the added discomfort of high heels in a session and also find the feeling of stockings to be most sensual. i look forward to wearing them while i suffer for Mistresses Seung and Ahn in the near future. i've never worn a corset, but would be most interested in seeing just how much more discomfort would arise from one big enough to fit me
  9. Thank You for sharing those lovely photos. It looks like both of You had the great time You deserved.
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