Mistress kang can u please order me to come see u I'm just a train ride away and need my sissy cherry popped u can be my motivation to work harder so I can see u every time I get paid all of this pink I need it I give in I just need a final push I just want to b a holster for u...end rant sorry lol
That sounds awesome but I think I can handle it maybe there's just something so sexy about a woman like her dressed in all pink wait the websites pink too is this a sissy conspiracy lol. I hope she one day acknowledges me til then ill dream about it shhhhh no one wake me up
Hi mistress jessy I think ur the most beautiful person on earth I know my place is in my knees being used by u in every way possible please turn me into a sissy girl I await the day u dress me up and if I'm worthy hopefully allow me to drink ur champagne if think about you all day long and how pretty and colorful u r it's like u know exactly how to burrow into a sissys mind
Hi mistress Kang off topic but ive been stuck on u for a few months now and i want to serve u. ur so beautiful and i think of u every day. ill be a good slave ive read ur site mistresskang.com and ill be a holster if u wish and u dont have to tell me to flush. what can i do???