I've never been fortunate(or ballsy) enough to delve into real life Cosplay of any sort, but I always thought it looked like a lot of fun. I think combining cosplay with bdsm would be not only fun, but extremely geeky in a good way. It can also add more to the fantasy element of roleplay when its not some overplayed cookie-cutter role, and you arent just a naughty student but a player caught up in an epic storyline. I guess really it amounts to taking ones love of a story/fantasy world and being a part of it.
What are some characters or settings that you find appealing? I've always wanted to do something star-wars related of course, but ive recently gotten into the Scott Pilgrim comic series, which the movie that came out last year is based on. There is plenty of material to work with though and I would like to hear what others and espeically Fotress Mistresses find appealing. I've attached a couple pictures just for fun.