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slave mark

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  1. slave mark

    Keep looking

    What does the tattoo on your arm say?
  2. When I was growing up, I liked shows with powerful women, like Xena. I also would stare at girls' feet when they wore flip flops, or changed shoes. One day, I saw the word "masochist" in a book, and typed it into a search engine to look it up...and what I saw clicked.
  3. I forget the title; I know he's "cancelled" now but it was one of the Dilbert non-comic books. Believe it or not this was before Google ?
  4. Growing up, I gravitated towards TV shows about dominant women (I liked the Amazons on Xena, for example). I saw the word "masochist" in a book, looked it up on the Internet, and things grew from there.
  5. Mistress Seung and I tried the Wack-a-mole table. Lots of fun.
  6. The session was great. Mistress Seung was excellent. She took me to my limits. Thank you, Mistress!
  7. At this time tomorrow, I will be at the tender mercies of Mistress Seung. I'm already anticipating (dreading?) our time together. I will post back here to let everyone know how it goes-if Ms Seung is kind enough to let me out in one piece!
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