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D. Shantotto

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Status Updates posted by D. Shantotto

  1. You should check it out. :)

  2. hey Lin - no worries, my apologies for a late response too - I've been so busy and just got back from vacation ~ but hey I hope you are doing well. Stay safe this weekend. As for Tekken Vs. SF it does look like fun. :) Play any other games aside from Fighting ones? I just got my hands on Catherine, and about to play it. It's like a puzzle/anime-sim kind of game. Story seems interes...

  3. Hey there Teach! :o You still work at the Fortress? Ever get my virtual apple? :P I've been making sure to stay out of trouble. ;) Or have I? haha lol - ahh just thought I'd say hello - I hope you are doing well. Stay safe during the storm weekend.

  4. *tries to distract you* Principal Tran - someone dropped a cherry bomb in the toilets of the bathroom again! :o *sneaks into your office aka steel room* (lol - haha.. just saying hi :) - I hope you and everyone else will be alright this weekend with the storm and all - stay safe!)

  5. I haven't been around in a while. Been super busy, and had a lot of stuff on my mind plus to think about. Thought I'd pop in and say what's up. :)

  6. I'm feeling the blues.. :)

  7. Haha..I also have neighbors like that too. Every year they light up fireworks around July 4th and also New Years.

    ah oh well.. at least you got to hear them and chill out, right? ^^

  8. *puts an apple on your desk* :P

  9. I've actually only played one of the Guilty Gear games. I think it was for PS2. I remember the guy with the paper bag over his head.. haha. But yea I totally agree - its a fun fighting game. :D

    Have you tried any of the other like MvC3, MK, BlazeBlue, Fatal Fury, andTekken?

    Take on any people online?

    (I'm not sure if this message will pop up for you...

  10. Cool. Did you watch any fireworks on Monday?

    I just watched them from home since one of the local parks shoots them up into the air, and I have somewhat of a bird's eye view from the apartment. ^^ Other than that, just relaxing, going out a lot, gaming, family time, movie watching, and lots of sleep. Gotta do it before my mini-vacation is over.

  11. Been playing Street Fighter a lot and found this.. hehe :)

    1. Mistress Lin

      Mistress Lin

      Everyone should play guilty gear. That is a fighting game for sure :D

    2. D. Shantotto

      D. Shantotto

      I've actually only played one of the Guilty Gear games. I think it was for PS2. I remember the guy with the paper bag over his head.. haha. But yea I totally agree - its a fun fighting game. :D


      Have you tried any of the other like MvC3, MK, BlazeBlue, Fatal Fury, andTekken?


      Take on any people online?


      (I'm not sure if this message will pop up for you so just in case I'll post it on your wall.)

  12. Attempting to learn Japanese,.. I hope I can master being able to speak and understand

  13. Hey there, Mistress Lin. It was nice to meet you a few days ago along with Mistress Tran.

    As you can see, you caught me at the mercy of Mistress Choi and her protégé..haha. :)

    Thanks for the cameo role! It was definitely a nice surprise I wasn't expecting. :D Hope you both had fun with it too.

  14. Happy Birthday! :) It was nice to meet you a few days ago. Sorry I couldn't say a proper hello.. "hi".. - but you caught me tied down and in a vulnerable position.. hahaha. :lol:

    Thanks for the cameo role! :)

  15. *get hit by a Piko Piko hammer* ouch! lol :P

    what you up to?

  16. Hiya - how you been? what's new? :) how's your summer so far?

  17. As for me, been pretty busy. Really tired today. I guess it doesn't help I only slept for 3 hours last night.. lol. :)

  18. hey Ree - long time no see :) how are ya? how did the rest of your trip to Canada go? and what's new with you?

  19. I'm going to sound like such an Otaku, but I sure love me some old school anime ^^ - they don't make them like they used to :)

  20. Oh, cool! Have fun! I've never been up to Canada before. Visiting some friends there? I hear poutine is delicious but a little fattening. :) Gravy fries... mmmm. Yum. Well, I hope you have a good time! Enjoy the holiday weekend! :D

  21. Hey Ree - I'm doing good. :) I've just been very exhausted this week. Last night and tonight especially. I've been having a lot going on keeping me busy.

    I'm looking forward to the Memorial Day holiday weekend in hopes to relax a little. Got anything special going on?

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