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D. Shantotto

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Everything posted by D. Shantotto

  1. Hiya - how you been? what's new? :) how's your summer so far?

  2. As for me, been pretty busy. Really tired today. I guess it doesn't help I only slept for 3 hours last night.. lol. :)

  3. hey Ree - long time no see :) how are ya? how did the rest of your trip to Canada go? and what's new with you?

  4. I'm going to sound like such an Otaku, but I sure love me some old school anime ^^ - they don't make them like they used to :)

  5. Oh, cool! Have fun! I've never been up to Canada before. Visiting some friends there? I hear poutine is delicious but a little fattening. :) Gravy fries... mmmm. Yum. Well, I hope you have a good time! Enjoy the holiday weekend! :D

  6. Hey Ree - I'm doing good. :) I've just been very exhausted this week. Last night and tonight especially. I've been having a lot going on keeping me busy.

    I'm looking forward to the Memorial Day holiday weekend in hopes to relax a little. Got anything special going on?

  7. hey Ree, how's it going? :D

  8. hey Ree, just thought I'd say hello :)

  9. hey just thought I'd drop a line and say hello, and I also had a question about a future session but I'll send to the mailbox

  10. howdy :D *poke, poke*

  11. "Oh~! Me so hungry.. me love you long time." >.>

  12. Hey Mistress Tran - If you are looking for ideas for cool attire from anime and videogames, the Mortal Kombat series has three female characters that wear some powerful yet sexy outfits. Jade, Kitana, and heh.. even the monster Mileena. They are more so female ninjas. If you run a search for their names + Mortal Kombat on Google and check images - you'll see some drawings, images.
  13. the perfect song for this thread -The perfect song for this thread-
  14. Sodium-free breadsticks suck.. >:( bleh

  15. (continued).. But yea, we will definitely keep on practicing. :) Alrighty.. well I hope all is well with you. Talk to you later!

  16. Cool. Thanks. Which book would you recommend us to check out?

    I'm also thinking of taking a trip to our local adult shop, and hoping they sell rope. Last time we were there, they had many unimaginable things..hahaha. But yea, I want to learn a little more what you showed me with the legs and ankles. I'll probably start with that first till it comes naturally. :)


  17. Hi Anna - got your last message, I'll send you an email, thanks

  18. Doh! The rest of my message was cut off.. boo! lol

    Anyway.. this experience has drawn us closer. :)


  19. Hi Mistress Choi - I hope all is well. Your sub and apprentice wanted to share our thanks again for our recent memorable session. Later that day we couldn't stop talking about it. ^^

    I'll definitely take your advice and look up those videos you recommended us. Who knows - maybe "someday" I'll be more than just an apprentice..."hohohoho!".

  20. When life gives you lemons, throw them at somebody. Hohohohoho! :) lol

  21. Hi Anna,

    I got your message but can't reply back. How do I request for more access?

    Btw, thanks again for hooking up the session with Choi. :)

  22. hey there, I tried to reply back to your message but I think we need more access rights ^^;

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