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Everything posted by BibtyBoo

  1. or this one too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&NR=1&v=fyYtAUJSneQ
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc-XOUZjHHk I love that one! here's another family guy
  3. Wowzers Wooffy! Mystery sessions sound exciting. Did you just say "I want to have a session with a mystery mistress"? How did you get into the fortress blindfolded?
  4. Hi Mistress Kang! I hope you have a good vacation. I know Turkey is not one of the places on your list, but I saw a thing about the Turquoise Coast of Turkey that looked absolutely amazing. Ruins, beautiful boats and water, and stuff.
  5. That's a cool sculpture! This picture I have isn't really art, but it is an illustration.
  6. Fuck yeah M Zhao! that is so nice to hear
  7. Thanks Matey! I think it can be really nice looking when a girl squirts milk or something out of her ass in a porn video, but doing it myself seems like a whole other thing. Cookies though?! That would be over the top!
  8. What does this mean, Track Warrior? I don't even know what a Dosido is.
  9. I love the newer fortress videos on youtube! Thanks so much for adding them. Happy birthday Mistress Kang! BooBoo
  10. That's great, Mistress Ree! I wish I had the confidence to tell my family about my desires for this. Then I could just say, "I'm going to NYC to see a dominatrix", but now I have to wait until they go on vacation or I go back to college. They probably already know, but I guess just starting the conversation seems hard. Someday, maybe everyone will know + accept the dominatrix kind of thing; that would be nice.
  11. Hello sexy Mistresses! I was curious if your families know if you do dominatrixing professionally. Do you have a cover story for people you don't want to know what your real job is?
  12. I don't have allergies myself, but I have heard acupuncture works awesomely. It is also good for quitting smoking, if there are any smokers out there. Good luck getting better! Booboo
  13. Speaking of movies, I saw the Gulliver's Travels' movie (with Jack Black) not too long ago, and one scene reminded me so much of bdsm stuff. Jack Black was captured by a young giantess, and she put him in her dollhouse. She made him wear this girly nightgown sort of thing, and she did some other stuff to him. That was a great movie. If you're out there reading this Jack Black, I just want to let you know that I'm a big fan of yours.
  14. Thanks Mistress Jung! (and Painslut too)
  15. Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone has ever seen 2 mistress - one at a time, one right after the other. What was that like? What do the Ladies of the Fortress think of this? Also, if the mistresses charged different rates, how would the pricing work out? If each session was 1 hour, would I have to pay the regular 1 hour rate for each mistress? Thanks and good luck to all! Boo Boo
  16. Hey, that's pretty cool! There's a jazz musician named Kenny Werner who talks about "The Space", which sounds similar to what you are talking about here, but it's for music playing instead of getting dominated. I think I have been there myself, and it was such a nice thing. I haven't been to subspace, though; maybe some musicians with experience in both worlds can tell the difference. This brings up a question I had - does anyone like doing S&M to music? If so, what kind? I do remember one time that I was fingering my butthole, though, and it brought me to this great mental state which lasted for a quite a while - definitely better than weed or alcohol. Maybe that was more like subspace; I know it was a little different from the music space that Kenny Werner talks about.
  17. Hello everyone! What a great website you have here. I was just wondering what exactly Mistresses mean when referring to needles. Do people actually want to get sewing needles poked into them? That just seems way too in tents for me. If someone gets something stuck up his P-hole, what is it that is stuck up there? I can't imagine having something sharp up my own P-hole. I stuck a small Playmobil spit roaster a tiny bit up there when I was young, but that wasn't needle sharp. Also, my dick is somewhat curved, and I wonder if you use flexible things (maybe using some fishing line in the pee river), or hard things. I heard the chlymidia test involves something being stuck up the P-hole, so there must be a safe way to do it. I also saw that avatar of a dude's chest with staples in it. Are those real staples? What about bleeding near your heart and stuff? I have never actually been dominated before, so maybe that explains why I am asking these things. I did go to a place one time to get dominated, but they said they wouldn't use a strap-on on me, so I figured it wasn't worth the money. Anyway, good luck to all, and to all a good night! Bibty Boo
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