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  1. Damn - going through buckets of IcyHot and bags of cold peas like there's no tomorrow...

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    2. Phred


      Unfortunately, no. I keep getting close to 500lb squat and deadlift, but it has eluded me so far. Max squat is 445lb and max deadlift is 457lb. I can do 505lb bench squats and partial deadlifts, but I'm working my ass off trying to hit the 500 mark. I want to make MZ proud!

    3. Phred


      The heaviest I've ever done has been just standing in the squat position with legs and back locked for 15 seconds with 610lbs, but haven't even tried a partial with that yet. Back and core need to be much stronger to attempt that weight.

    4. Phred


      Bench sucks - max is 315lb on a good day. MZ and MT can attest to the fact that I have an underdeveloped and small chest, which makes benching difficult for me.

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