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Everything posted by Phred

  1. Ugh! Where are my manners - I'm such a dolt! Before I let it go another day, HAPPY NEW YEAR, Mistress Zhao.

  2. Dammit, meant to post the link. Here it is:

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      YES!! I love this song, and they did it justice too!! Thanks for sharing!

    2. Phred


      As always, I love to serve you, Mistress Zhao.

  3. Mistress Zhao - I can't believe they did this! AWESOME! Being a huge 80s nerd, it brought tears to my eyes. I hope you like it:

  4. So beautiful, so stunning, so amazing! Thank you, Mistress Zhao!
  5. I can't make it but I think some of my fellas are going to go. I hope your trip to LA is either for some well-deserved R&R or you are going to sign a multi-million dollar movie contract! Have a safe trip!

  6. Steel Panther - Irving Plaza, Wednesday, January 4th!

  7. Beautiful sentiments, Mistress Zhao.
  8. AWESOME Mistress Jung! Can't wait!

  9. Mistress Jung - I am planning on coming back to the Fortress at the end of January. Are you available to do a double-domme session with Mistress Zhao? Really want to turn one of the rooms at the FF into an "Octagon Room" :) .

  10. Love Dirty Dancing! My other favorite line I like to say sometimes in the office is "When I'm wrong, I say I'm wrong." Like a fool, I always cry at the end :( . BTW, thought the Black Eyed Peas did a decent job sampling the theme song.


    Sorry, thought you posted that you watched Walking Dead. Only 1 person around me watches. Can't wait until Feb. Good luck tomorrow with your surprise session!

  12. For those of you on the forum who happen to love Arnold movies as much as I do, as well as love heavy metal, you might find the group Austrian Death Machine interesting. It's a couple of guys from As I Lay Dying. They write songs around famous Arnold one-liners, and they do a pretty mean metal version of the Terminator theme music. This one's pretty funny - the song is called "I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots and Your Motorcycle" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llUV6hPuQsU
  13. That was hysterical! Awesome, Mistress Kang!
  14. I would love to be your target, Mistress Lin. Love being spit on. Believe me - the more you miss, the more you have to practice, the more fun for me!!!
  15. You know I'm definitely NOT a Rocky Balboa type, but I have always had a fantasy about being beaten up by women. I really love role-playing, so after you posted, this little scene ran through my head like a freakin' freight train, maybe someone will find it amusing: The Mistresses have me trapped in a warehouse down by the waterfront. They have been hounding me and tracking me for days, and finally cornered me - there is no escape now. It's been several hours and they have been brutalizing me all around the warehouse, up and down the stairs, throwing me off platforms. I am completely beaten. Nearing the end, the Mistresses pick me up and toss me through a huge window onto the wet pavement outside. I land facedown on the pavement as the Mistresses walk through the window and surround my lifeless body. There is a light rain, which slowly washes the blood from what's left of my face revealing a chrome endoskeleton, gleaming in the moonlight. The metal of what's left of my shoulders scrapes the pavement as I struggle, in vain, to rise. One of the Mistresses tosses my now-shredded arms at me as the other Mistresses cut easily through tough metal and hack off my legs. Mistress Zhao stands in front of my face and squats down to stare at me. Her head tilts slightly to the side. I try to glance up with a complete shell-shocked look and I try to raise my head. "It's over T-101. You've failed in your mission. John Connor will finally be killed and we will rule the world." I look into her eyes to see her hand turn a shiny, mercurial metal. She places her hand over my head and with a jolt and shower of sparks, the red glow starts to fade from my eyes....
  16. Saw a great T-shirt in the gym today I thought you would appreciate - "I bust MINE so I can kick YOURS." Haha! Seems to apply to the Fortress too...

  17. I knew you'd like the little handheld flamethrower!

    And, thanks to you, I have a fine appreciation for truffles. Like I said earlier, I've never had them before and I was ecstatically surprised at their wonderful texture, fragrance and taste!

  18. I set up a session with Mistress Zhao, but thinking of asking to add Mistress Jung. Glad to hear your vacation was very relaxing :) .

  19. Dr. Zhao - I thought you might want to put this little device on your Christmas list (the content of the video isn't quite as important as the really cool wand!):

  20. Lucky dog! I'm planning a session in January, can't make it until then. Definitely hurting - I miss Mistress Zhao very much.

  21. I've had a similar feeling, but I'm not sure it's quite the "runner's high" that has been described. I always have a little bit of this sensation during a session, but the strongest I felt was during a session with Mistress Zhao and Mistress Ree. I was in sensory overload - there was electrical play, spitting, slapping, hair pulling (mine, not theirs ) they were interrogating me aggressively and I was in pain and I felt a bit disoriented. At one point during this part of the session I had the most overwhelming feeling of love wash over me. Don't get me wrong, I love all the Mistresses (including ones I haven't sessioned with), but there was something very strong I felt for about 20 seconds at that time. It was very, very intense and actually caught me off guard. I can only describe it as maybe the feeling of a first kiss, or maybe a first date, or something along those lines (I believe EdgarAH has posted on this in another thread before) - you feel on fire with love and admiration like you would burst into flames. I couldn't believe how powerful the feeling was and how fleeting.
  22. Hey Edgar! Mistress Zhao has definitely seen us at our WURST :) - sorry, couldn't resist.

  23. You're right! Still drives me crazy - I spend weeks preparing and getting myself ready for my session, then blow it (no pun intended :) ). Kinda feels like giving up the winning home run in the World Series. Oh well...

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