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Everything posted by Phred

  1. Posted the recipe for candied sweet potatoes - wanted to make sure you got it before Thursday!

  2. Oh man! So that's why there are a set of boxing gloves and muay thai shin guards in the Pink Room! I'm scared, but definitely intrigued.....
  3. Have a safe flight!

  4. Hey TW! How is your hip doing? Are you still in PT? Any new plans to get over to the FF soon? Just checking in.

  5. I have been surprised sometimes that certain smells that I anticipated to be nasty were actually arousing. I do like being nestled/cuddled into an armpit now and again. Interesting discussion about pheremones - I'm convinced I give off the nastiest there are. Don't get me wrong - I shower, use powder, deodorant, manscape, etc, but once I start to sweat I tend to attract comments. There are times I get really sweaty at work and people won't come near me until I've changed my clothes because I smell like wet dog. I always shower before a session when I get to the Fortress, but I still tend to sweat a bit - have gotten comments like "why are you glistening?" and "your wet already?" I wouldn't subject my worst enemies to my pheremones.....
  6. For some reason, this topic has reminded me of a song that seems fitting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3C7DECI0jU
  7. Hmmm.... I need to figure out a better way to get at that stuff. Don't need anymore surprises
  8. I had a wonderful time this past Saturday! I have been feeding on your incredible energy and wisdom all this week - because of you I set two personal strength records in the gym today. You give me drive! I absolutely cannot thank you enough, Mistress Zhao, you are incredible :) !

  9. MZ - I think I found your anthem! It's by your favorite singer/songwriter/guitarist and is about one of your favorite things. Wait for it... Drum roll...


    Seriously, you know I have the utmost respect for you, but I couldn't resist posting :) .

  10. Nice to see you made it to the Fortress - my favorite place!
  11. Do not worry about your first time at the Fortress or lack of experience. I had only a little experience before I had my first session, and it went super! The Mistresses are very professional and will take into account your experience and wishes to come up with a really great session. I wouldn't worry about freezing up and not being able to play along - they will help you and guide you along. The most important thing is to have fun during your session. Good luck!
  12. Sounds exciting! Based on your thread title - did you do any superhero roleplaying?
  13. I agree - the thought of you pounding on me really sounds hot! Not being strong myself, you would probably finish me in about 3 seconds. I imagine you would come at me like a ton of bricks . Mistress Jung has posted quite a bit about wrestling during a session - have you two ever done a double-domme session with wrestling, punching, kicking - pretty much laying your sub out flat? That would be really amazing! I saw on another post you weren't feeling well - I hope you are feeling better today .
  14. That actually sounds like TONS of fun. I usually get to the Fortress early to shower up before my session - I can just imaging coming out of the bathroom and having to pass through a saliva shower from the Mistresses on my way to the room. Wow!
  15. Sedona sounds nice - should be very warm! I just was cruising the Fortress site and noticed a bunch of new videos - maybe you've seen them? Don't know how I missed them. Hope school is going well for you.

  16. London was great! Hung out with my wife's family, ate lots. Now I'm in Chicago for a meeting. Have my session with mZ a week from Saturday, can't wait! Even though it is booked for 2 hours, I'm sure, like you, it will zip by in 10 minutes! Slowly getting myself prepared.

  17. I agree - maybe more of a "secret society"???

  18. I'm doing well, TW. I'm headed to London tomorrow night. I will definitely hit the local pub and raise a glass to you (and all my fellow subs here at the Fortress). Good to see you back in the game.

  19. Joey, couldn't agree more. You said it all.
  20. In nature (and in life...) the dominant female always gets her choice of mate.
  21. Being the nerd that I am, I happened to be searching the literature. I thought you would really like to see this abstract:


    Pretty much goes along with some of the thoughts you have posted on the forum.

  22. Things are stable on my end. Actually heading to London in about a week for family stuff (maybe I'll run into Mistress Jung???). Having some fear and anxiety with my bench press, trying my hardest to work through it. It never ceases to amaze me how much fear can truly impede progress.

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