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Everything posted by Phred

  1. Fantastic picture - looks like Mistress Choi and Zhao are having tons of fun! Love the smile on Mistress Zhao's face!
  2. I know this won't help your losses, but when things get rough, there are two phrases that always keep me going:

    1) There's a reason for everything

    2) That which does not kill us makes us stronger


    - Phred

  3. Based on your status, I have not experienced a loss of your magnitude, but I can try and empathize with you. In February, I lost my cat of 18 years and I still have trouble with this. She went everywhere with me and slept on my pillow.

  4. I saw your profile status - I am terribly sorry for your losses and I offer my condolences. I will definitely send some positive energy your way. I am so jealous you are sessioning with mZ soon - I won't get to see her until November.

  5. Mother of all that is good and pure!!! I would LOVE to see mZ do a business suit theme video! She wore a beautiful outfit at my first session with her, absolutely cannot get that out of my head. I think a great video would be a business suit theme wearing glasses (as in the pictures). Mistress Zhao - I would die a thousand deaths if you looked at the camera, took of the glasses, then gave a seductive smile. YEOW!!!!
  6. Would love to be involved in a spitting taste test! I love when the Mistresses force my mouth open and spit directly into it. Also love getting my face covered in saliva - drives me crazy.
  7. Yes, his stories are hysterical! I'm dying up here because I can't seem to get time to get down to the Fortress - now shooting for November. Slowly killing me....

  8. Lita Ford had a bunch of hits, but here's her cover of Alice Cooper's "Only Women Bleed":


    Lastly, here's Kix's response to Lita and Ozzy's "Close My Eyes Forever":


    Thought you might like them...

  9. OMG - Beautiful, intelligent, lead singer in a band and now OZZY FAN? You, Mistress Zhao, are a GOD!

  10. DT is coming to NYC in October - are you going? Likely will either see them upstate in October or wait until they swing around again.

  11. DUDE! I just went back to the gym after a week or two off - found out that one of our powerlifting teammates had a heart attack! Can't believe it! We were planning to enter our first contest in December together. Really sobers you up...

  12. I do remember seeing a leggings, oversized shirts and large belts coming back a few years ago. Whoa! Pretty damn funny.

    Vixen - Awesome! Maybe I should bring some Lita Ford to my next session ;) !

  13. Sorry, here's the second one. Love the rain in the first one!

    Trying to clear my schedule for an October visit - need to feel the touch of your whip again!

  14. Although I'm a metalhead, I still like the 80s and 90s. Showed these two videos to a coworker of mine - she got a huge laugh out of them (she used to dress the same way!). Thought you might find these funny:


  15. There's also some interesting stuff about pain, the brain and fMRI. I found some stuff, will post some soon. I think you should establish the "Fetish Fortress Institute for the Study of BDSM & Pain" - I'm sure you will have plenty of willing participants for any study you decide to put together :) !

  16. I posted some stuff on the forum, not sure if you saw it (I can repost here if you want). Some really fascinating stuff with hormones that I never thought about before - there's actually some good papers on this stuff.

  17. Absolutely beautiful, Mistress Zhao - you are one amazing Goddess !
  18. Glad you're feeling better! Maybe the FF is waiting for a doctor's note that you can go back to playing :) . Planning a trip in late October, really can't wait!

  19. Thank you, Mistress Zhao! What a much-needed picture! It's been raining like crazy and there has been extensive flooding up here - a bunch of roads are closed and schools have been closed. Very hard to get to work and back home (had to backtrack and turn around multiple times tonight because of flooding). Really, really needed your beautiful feet and all that sunshine! You're the best!
  20. Butt and toes in the same pic!! Would love to lick them both !!
  21. The contest was this past weekend. There were 56 teams. I came in 2nd in chicken (got a little trophy) and 24th in ribs. Did not do pork shoulder or brisket, but definitely have the BBQ fever! Can't wait to compete on the BBQ circuit next year (will do all 4 meats). Preparing for the hurricane too - good luck!

  22. Hello Mistress Jung! I'm still looking around for some good pain stuff for you to read. Most of the books are about the psychology of chronic pain, which tends to be really boring and depressing. Haven't really found anything related to BDSM, but I'm sure it's out there if I keep looking. I will hunt this stuff down for you.

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