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Everything posted by Phred

  1. :) Thanks Dude! Have a session coming up with Mistress Zhao and Mistress Tran, trying to man-up this whole week in preparation.
  2. Hey Edgar! I saw this video and it made me think of the FF candids, now that they're back on. It hits a bit too close to home, so I thought I would share it with you first. http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6853117/look-at-this-instagram-nickelback-parody

    1. EdgarAH


      hahaha, now that was ridiculously funny and so true! thanks

  3. You don't want anymore geeks/nerds/dorks in BDSM? Say it isn't so, Mistress Zhao! Mistress Zhao's new math - Phred=hole in the head !
  4. He he... Reminds me of my Hell Weekend when I was initiated. First exposure to psychological and physical terror...
  5. Hello Mistress Tran! I thought of you the other day when I heard this song - I remember it caused quite a stir when they sampled Morrissey. Can't wait to see you again:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      I have a friend who makes Morrissey candles....looks just like him...and I got one made for a friend of mine. It was awesome.

    3. Phred


      That's sweet! I was actually thinking of incorporating candles into our next session, since I would like it to be "Goth"-themed. I'm trying to plan for the end of December - looking forward to a very dark, slow, tortuous session. Scouring the house for my Santa-thong!

    4. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      Well i have great music that would go for our session!

  6. DUDE! Found this on the web, thought you might like it :) : www.ninaligon.com

    1. TrackWarrior


      Thanks Phred....I loved it :)

  7. Mistress Kang - your "adventure" reminds me of a song from your FAVORITE musical period . Couldn't pass this up:
  8. Mistress Kang and Mistress Zhao .
  9. www.awkwardfamilyphotos.com - make sure you check out the "Wedding" section .
  10. Dude! Beyond a shadow of a doubt! It took me several sessions with her before I could actually form complete sentences when I saw her. I distinctly remember one session where I just kept stuttering and tripping over my tongue - she asked me if I needed a crayon instead! That was totally kick-ass!
  11. Mistress Tran crowdsurfing - AWESOME!
  12. This darkness juxtaposed with your exquisite beauty is what makes you so truly incredible, Mistress Zhao.
  13. I don't think I'm every REALLY ready ...
  14. Hey Johnny! Like many on the Forum, I find Mistress Zhao to be incredibly beautiful, and her pictures really don't do her justice. While I love NYC in the summer and spring, I really like it best in the fall and winter. I would love to take pictures of her walking the streets of NYC either in the fall or the winter, wearing a long overcoat or a pea coat with a heavy scarf. Her facial expression should be the focus of the picture and should tell a story and be something thoughtful, contemplative or with some purpose - it should make the viewer ask the question "what is she thinking, what is going through her mind right now, what is she focused on???". Something along the lines of the mood evoked in "Tom's Diner" by Suzanne Vega. I agree that the right picture would make a perfect album cover. I also have a very strange fascination with exhaustion (there are times when I'm at work and if I feel that I'm not tired work really just doesn't feel right). Some of my favorite and most intriguing pictures are of people at the end of their rope, either completely drained, wiped out, exhausted, defeated, etc. One of my all-time favorites is the picture of Mary Decker after she fell during the 1984 Olympics. It makes me wonder if the person can go on, and where they get the inner strength to keep going. I'm sure this sounds really weird and stupid, but I would love to see pictures of the Mistresses in various states of fatigue and exhaustion (I know the Mistresses are perfect and this probably never happens) - maybe sitting down at the end of a long day of sessioning, whatever. There are a few candids taken of the Mistresses napping in the office, which are very cool. Just my thoughts...
  15. Damn - going through buckets of IcyHot and bags of cold peas like there's no tomorrow...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phred


      Unfortunately, no. I keep getting close to 500lb squat and deadlift, but it has eluded me so far. Max squat is 445lb and max deadlift is 457lb. I can do 505lb bench squats and partial deadlifts, but I'm working my ass off trying to hit the 500 mark. I want to make MZ proud!

    3. Phred


      The heaviest I've ever done has been just standing in the squat position with legs and back locked for 15 seconds with 610lbs, but haven't even tried a partial with that yet. Back and core need to be much stronger to attempt that weight.

    4. Phred


      Bench sucks - max is 315lb on a good day. MZ and MT can attest to the fact that I have an underdeveloped and small chest, which makes benching difficult for me.

  16. Hey Edgar! Hope you made out OK with the storm.

    1. EdgarAH


      Hey Phred! finally got back online today. Work has been a hassle, the whole week's been a hassle, but many more are suffering much worse than me. All's pretty much ok, except for those damn gas lines, arghhh! Thanks for asking, and I hope you're okay too.

    2. Phred


      We actually made it through unscathed. Power went out Monday to Tuesday, but my generator kicked in and got us through. Trying to plan a FF session in December - can't seem to get enough of the Tran/Zhao combo :) . Glad to hear you are OK.

  17. Echoing the sentiments on the Forum, I hope everyone is doing well and getting back to normal. If there is still no power at the FF, maybe all us subs could get together and set up a treadmill-powered generator. I'm sure we would all be more than willing to run a few miles to get the power up and running for the Mistresses! I'm picturing Mistress Kang with the single-tail whipping us to even higher and higher kilowatts !
  18. LOVE Awkward Family Photos! Can't seem to get enough, and they keep getting weirder!
  19. Dammit, couldn't resist posting this video from Hyuna. I pretty much almost did when she starts saying "cream, cream, cream..." . I dedicate this one to all the Fortress Mistresses, especially Mistress Kang - if you look in the background of the video, someone is holding a sign that says "It's too small for me" .
  20. I have two specific fantasies about the Mistresses, but they are extremely vanilla. I'm not sure why, but I can't really get these out of my head. Mistress Tran has posted occasionally about her light construction abilities. I would LOVE to work on a project with her and see her in work clothes, boots and a tool belt. And not just one of those canvas tool belts, something big and heavy and leather. Just thinking about her handling some heavy power tools gets me going. I love Mistress Zhao's photographs and am always amazed at her photography skills. I've often fantasized about taking her picture myself, but not in a Fortress or BDSM type setting. I would love to just take her around the City and take random pictures of her - not candids where she's smiling or mugging for the camera, but simple, pensive, thoughtful poses, like maybe at a street corner while waiting for the light staring into space lost in thought. Anyway, my vanilla 2 cents....
  21. I agree with you - I saw Morrissey at the Garden in the 90s. The show was minimalist and constantly interrupted by guys jumping on stage to hug him, but the music was good. I grew up in a small town in New England, and listened mostly to pop in high school. When I went to college in NYC, I discovered this amazing cross-section of intelligent, dark, mysterious, Goth women who were listening to The Smiths, Siouxsie And The Banshees, Echo And The Bunnymen, The The, Bauhaus, The Cure, Peter Murphy etc. Opened up a whole new world for me - hearing some of that music now makes me feel very melancholy for those days. Mistress Tran, it seems that this would be the perfect setup for a scenario in the Steel Room. Lights down really low, you dressed in your best late-80s Goth wear with black makeup, all of this music playing in the background and a slow, slow torturous and painful session... You also mentioned you've been listening to Pearl Jam lately. If you like them, try listening to Temple Of The Dog. It's most of the members of Pearl Jam plus Chris Cornell from Soundgarden. Pretty good stuff. From Pearl Jam I usually jump to Screaming Trees or Alice In Chains. Of course, as above, Soundgarden is fantastic, a little more aggressive than Pearl Jam. There's one song from School Of Fish called "Three Strange Days" from that era that I just love - it is spot-on about a weekend in college I'll never forget. Anyone else notice that Justin Bieber's new haircut makes him look like a young Morrissey???
  22. Still get shivers thinking about you opening the door and ripping my junk off! Working harder at getting my back into shape for you! Hoping against hope that I someday make it into your "Big Back Book". All I can do is try .
  23. Thanks for popping into my session yesterday, Mistress Jung! I finally got to meet you! Sorry things were so "small" :D !

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      LOL, it was super fun to finally meet you too :D And it's ok if things are "small," us Mistresses are creative enough to know how to make anything just how we want it ;-)

    2. Phred


      Kind of reminds me of a line from any random movie - "There's really not much left to work with here, but I'll see what I can come up with." :) ...

  24. Wonderous Mistress Zhao - thank you for quite an incredible session yesterday! My mind is still unable to focus today. As always, you get more beautiful everytime I see you!

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      You flatter me so. I always enjoy playing with your baboon butt and nerdy mind :) Have fun on your holiday!

    2. Phred


      Heading back to NYC tomorrow morning. Already planning for my next session!

  25. I had a such a fantastic session with you yesterday! I never thought I would have my balls tied to a door! Can't wait for next time!

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      When mKang pulled that door open....the look in your face was priceless!

    2. Phred


      Still having nightmares :) ...

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