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Everything posted by nyisles

  1. i would have a hard time getting into scene mode/sub space with a purple nurple. it would take me back to places during childhood, especially the time i got hit by a car. but that is just me
  2. not sure I agree with this. bdsm is about consensual play. the people around didn't consent. also, in a park you run the risk of minors. I'm not judging, but for me I don't agree with this type of play.
  3. I'm kind of hiding my head in shame that I knew the song and who it was by. LOL.
  4. It's a song called Dreams Come True by S.E.S. Here is a "live" performance:
  5. Any idea where this sculpture is located? I would guess Scandinavia
  6. nyisles


    I feel old now, usuaully im on the top of technologies and things like this. Since Ive been using computers from when I was 10 yrs old. I was a phreaker, a hacker, a pirate, and all that jazz. When something new comes out and it totally catches you off guard it's like your no longer part of the loop. Feeling a little depressed. I always said once technology passes people by they should need to take a test before being allowed to buy something electronic. Now im destined to become my uncle and his "how do I stop the VCR from blinking 12:00". Sigh.
  7. It's been a week since I was saw you and I can't get the second part of the session out of my head.. I have something in mind, but im going to try and hold out til my vacation in 2 weeks.

    Missing your playful giggle big time!

  8. i personally can't wait to be put back in the spreader bar, wider then last time. it was so incredibly hot with the wax and electrical play. one of my favorite toys for sure as well.
  9. The idea of a D/s physical has me intrigued. Not sure if the whole animal play thing appeals to me though. Just throwing my two cents in.
  10. It will never be the norm, because once it does it is no longer kink.
  11. This is a bit of a stretch. It's not as blatant as say Pussy Galore in James Bond which almost had to be renamed Kitty Galore because of censors. This is like saying New Dehli was named after Nude Ellie.
  12. 5 hours til my session with you and I am finding myself jittery, and nervous. More so then usual. The clock is moving slow.

  13. Just want to echo what TW said.. we all go through it, or at least that is what I like to tell myself. Be true to yourself and it is easier to deal with. All the best WB!

  14. In your interests you mention S/O... what is this?

  15. "brand me with your tools" uh, this is the part where your supposed to settle my fears Mistress Tran :)

  16. getting ready to make my next visit to the fortress. Should book in a couple of days.

  17. Already contemplating my next visit to the fortress in 10-12 days or so.. I think I want to session with you.. though you scare me. But im gonna suck it up :)

  18. Just curious if anyone has any opinion on s&m being in the mainstream via Rihanna...
  19. At the end of our session we started talking about music... While a big fan of Bad Religion, the song I was talking about was Social Distortion... Here is a link to the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxtzY7pB4ZQ another song I like from them is:

  20. I agree, and I think my visit to the fortress was the first step. Was nice to have you step into session... I definite have a "fear" of you and I even told Mistress Choi that you hit me as a pure sadist. Thanks for the marks, I'm smiling First time I ever had marks a few hours later... I don't mark easy. Happy Camper I am
  21. I readily admit my mind is my worst enemy. I over think things to no end and it is something I need to get past. Thankfully the next week or so my mind will be pre-occupied elsewhere. I am also over analyzing since this will me by first visit to any type of professional.
  22. Thanks for the insight, I guess I need to just go with the flow.
  23. Just curious on everyone's opinion... In my mind I am more of a masochist than I have experienced. In fact at times I have safeworded out of fear sooner then I wanted to and have kicked myself in the ass mentally over it. I know I can play at levels higher then I have, but yet I have not reached that yet. Perhaps I haven't met the right Domme just yet. Or perhaps my mind wants more then I can handle. I am sure there are ways to move past this such as building a relationship with a Domme and trusting them enough to play without safe words. I am curious if anyone else has experienced what I am going through and how they have addressed it and handled it. B
  24. Mistress Choi,

    I think that was it, I look forward to meeting you on the 19th for our time together. I had a problem getting the account authorized so I figured something else went wrong. Oh well wont be the last mistake I make I am sure.

  25. Electricity is on my bucket list of things to try... my bucket list is getting very long.
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