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Everything posted by Outcast

  1. Please don't let me go out of the picture, just enough electricity to perm up my pubes alittle, they can use some tightening up!
  2. I think I'm gonna wet my weiner and stick it in a light socket......just because.
  3. boyyy, should be shot in the face with a shit-pistol

  4. yes , my name is Balsac Teebaguh...

  5. Would you like a Hot Cosby?

  6. went down to the crossroads...believe im sinking down........

  7. yo, why you trippin???? bitch be trippin yo! direct quote from a 3rd grader to his teacher.

  8. Yes, don't kill your play partner or you don't get another one is always a good rule.....about prejudice, I think people are too sensitive/pc these days to the point of being phony. You can't deny different cultures and experiences and ignore they exist. You grew up in NYC so you know. You get EVERYONE here and you get an education.
  9. Granddad always said never be prejudiced because its all pink on the inside!
  10. just had a chinatown pork bun and splaterred the bowl like a modern art masterpiece....going to try and sell it to some galleries in soho..

  11. well fuck it then....

  12. feeling uptight lately, except when i cum....then i guess i feel pretty good.

  13. If the govt takes my cash , how will I pay for a session ???? You guys take food stamps???
  14. so if youre ever in a fight and youre beating one of us, break out, youre gonna get bum rushed!!!!!!

  15. goin downtown to see my gal, gonna sing her a song, gonna show her my ding dong

  16. To totally plagiarize a comic from the late 80s. "No, not one e of these things are true, blacks do have self control in movie theaters and occasionally they will shut the fuck up, all Irish aren't total complete alcholics, Mexican families never have carpet paintings of the Last Supper hanging in.the living room and never throw pig roasts on the little patch of grass along the Harlem River drive, Jewish guys will ALWAYS pick up the check, Asian tourists, never wear surgical masks,always got big t dicks, all Italians are never in the concrete business,always speak proper English.........". If anyone is offended by the lack of PC or horrible stolen.comedy.......sorry
  17. that annoying Kids for Kars commercial makes me want to run iver some kids with.my car

    1. Dannyboy


      That's why you should donate your car today!

    2. Outcast
  18. my friends call me Keith but ypu can call me John

  19. hey Dog , if you ever want to rap about how youre doing feel free to email me, [email protected] youre doing.ok!

    1. Dogzilla


      Thanks SW....I hope all is ok with you as well.

  20. "Are you a lucky little lady in the city of light? " Jim Morrison
  21. that one may smile, and smile, and be a villian

  22. slow down, cum too fast, squeeze my ass cheeks rip your dick off.....Mr. T

  23. RUN DMC FAT MASTER J !!!!!!!!!!

  24. just heard a cool ethnic joke about drunken Irish Black guys with big dicks being driven by bad Adian drivers.....

  25. word of the day..........bunghole

    1. Dannyboy


      Too deep a subject for me.

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