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Everything posted by Outcast

  1. Im the H.M.I.C !!!!!

  2. all gamblers die broke..

  3. there are reports of succubi forcing men to perform cunninglus on their vulvas which are dripping with urine and.other fluids...........straight from Wikapedia, must be true!

  4. lots a people talkin, few of them know; soul of a women was created below..

  5. theyre a size 28 but i take 34, IM ON A LOOWWW BUDGET!!!!

  6. Grey pubes?!? i have arrived!!!!

    1. Dannyboy


      You can pluck out the grey ones or dye them.

    2. Outcast


      i can use that stuff that Clyde Frasier sells, "dude, that stache is trash, that beard is weird!

  7. My nuts smell like rotten tomatoes! Damn its hot out!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Manpeach


      I just got my hands on a couple of rotten tomatoes and took a big sniff, just to see what your balls smell like.

    3. Dannyboy


      I'm not that curious!! BTW did you wash your hands before touching your nuts? You never know, the odor could be coming from your hands.

    4. Outcast


      no didn't wash my.hands, just crotch sweat. That was one of my past times during.gym class. Reach down and then sniff, man, my.nuts smell funny, gesturing to a friend, here smell my nuts :)

  8. Jerking off with your other hand is fun, its like getting some strange . Like changing it up a bit to keep me on my.toes...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Outcast



    3. Manpeach


      But I don't wanna have sex with my retarded sister

    4. Dannyboy
  9. if I told ya once , I told ya a thousand times, don't mess with my peehole!!!!!

  10. The Overweight Lover Heavy D!!!!!!

  11. If you dont trust the pussy, why then are you fucking....the pussy? Sam Kinison

    1. Dannyboy


      At the moment it seemed like the logical thing to do. Spock

  12. Anytime i see a clown i think how much Id love to see him and fifty of his friends trapped in one of those little cars on fire, struggling to get out with their clown make-up smearing against the glass....

  13. Audi Yo

    1. Manpeach


      Love Audi. I had an S4. when I bought it there were only 2 of my particular model and package in all New England, Tom Brady had the other one. (Of course, my tires were fully inflated)

    2. Outcast


      Big pimpin!!!!


  14. Boy, you wont make much money, but you'll get more pussy then Frank Sinatra. Ronnie Hawkins

  15. keeping it real in the field up in this mofo

  16. its humid and i got swamp ass just leaving the house!!

  17. im chuck.......and i dont give a ........

  19. A year already .....sigh

    1. Dannyboy


      Just when I felt at peace with her departure I get pulled back into the void.

    2. Outcast


      im sorry if I stirred anything up in you DB. Its an eye opener for me. I know if I saw her in the street she'd look at me like I just pissed in.her corn flakes or I like I was dead sewer rat. It's al about the $$. Can't bs myself.

    3. Dannyboy


      I believe she would be friendly and even apologetic. That would leave me at peace. Your scenario would crush me again.


    1. Manpeach


      Hey SW You must hae been inspired by Mistress Rey's Favorite Activity thread

    2. Outcast


      Haha, nah it just asked what's on your mind and that word came through the cobwebs. How you doing buddy?

    3. Manpeach


      Hey SW, I can't retrieve your email address send me an email at [email protected]

  21. Times Square was the garden spot of Western Civilization much like Sumer and the fertile crescent! Pimps, hos, junkies, chicken hawks, pornographers, sadists, fetishists, kung fu movies on angel dust!!!! It was a truly special place!!!
  22. Know what this is for? IT'S FOR JACKING OFF!!!!!!! Charles Bronson in "10 to Midnight"

  23. Aha, I remember that dude. That was Interludes after Midnight! Good shit!
  24. If they were around today I'd go in and do the Pee Wee Herman and hit the dude sitting in front of me ala Abraham Lincoln (SPLAT) oops, sorry pal, got alittle excited. One of my fav scenes in a movie is Taxi Driver, when.Travis Bickle brings Cybil Shephard to a fuck flick on.the deuce "What, a lot of coupleds go to.these movies" lol
  25. I was an avid viewer as were some of my classmates. On a 8th grade trip to the now closed amusement park "Action Park" a bunch of us spotted him at a ride shooting tennis balls at these bugeys. We surrounded him like he was a sports star, "Hey look, its Al Goldstein!!!" He looked suprised that a bunch of 13 year old boys knew who he was, but who the fuck else did he think.watched his show. His reply was, "what's up kiddos". Funny.On his show , I use to think his rants were funny. He was vile, disturbed , but honest. He was complaining about reviewing porn movies ans how bad they were and was quoted "if I see Ron Jeremy one more time I'm going to chop off my dick and become a faggot". He was full of gems like that lol
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