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Everything posted by Outcast

  1. Little mc love muffin??? Moi???? Ok, a serious answer would be as a young child finding dirty mags thrown out in the street and wondering why the Playboy girl's pussies were so neat and contained and the Hustler's girl's works look like chewed up bubble gum!! Baffled my young mind!Also early exposure to porn watching Manhattan cable channel J with Al Goldstein's Midnight Blue. Always would stay up late on Friday to sneak a peek.at that
  2. A National Geographic magazine when I was 5. They had a feature article on the tribes of Java. When my young eyes saw all those breastuses exposed for all to see I whipped out my peepee and rubbed one out all over the mag. When family complained as the.pages stick together with wall paper glue, all I.could was shrug." Boys will be boys".....
  3. i got the keys to the.highway, billed up and bound to go, gonna to leave here running, walkings much too slow......

  4. sexy-time explosion

  5. fucking shit piss cocksucker motherfucker dickweed fuuuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkk -----sorry ,had to get that out.

  6. I was actually inquiring about eating a nylon-clad ass.

  7. I'm hetero generally , but what's that joke.....if you paint 10 paintings some still might not call you a painter, but if you suck just one cock.........
  8. Love your signature quote! Read "On the Road" a few years ago and felt some identification. Happy Spring :)

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      I love Jack Kerouac!


      “I saw that my life was a vast glowing empty page and I could do anything I wanted.”

    2. Outcast


      That quote shows the optimism of youth! I've had to rip a few pages out over the years :)

  9. Outcast


    Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away..........beautiful pic!!!
  10. I think I'll keep my day job, but thanks for the tips
  11. Very interesting! Gave me an idea for my own webcam....think there's a fetish for middle aged guys with big bellies and small dicks?
  12. Her mind is Tiffany twisted, she got the Mercedes Benz, she got alot of pretty pretty boys she calls friends...

  13. he who smelt it ..dealt it

  14. Hot Anal Spit-Fire

  15. Catering to your beautiful feet is a definite thrill M. Koi
  16. my dental hygenist just told me i have the mouth of a 75 year old Laotian opium merchant.....

  17. I don't know , but Britney Spears needs to clean those mofos!!! Cool article!!
  18. Haha, you're right about growing up in an Irish neighborhood but not Brooklyn. Calling me a Brooklynite ?!?! I grew up in Manhattan and the Bronx. It was a fun place to grow up but was crazy. It was cool growing up around all different people from all over. Did you ever see you're first love later on after you grew up. I'd bet he'd eat his heart out
  19. Welcome Mistress Rey!!! Beautiful pictures !!!
  20. Cool tests Mistress Kang! I love accents and trying to decipher where people are from. I got "somewhat" NY accent which is bullshit because I know I have a heavy accent. Like you said there are differences between New York and adjoining area accents. I can tell if someone is from the Northwest Bronx or Hells Kitchen just by the way they talk. Also, growing up in an Irish neighborhood and having Irish relatives I can tell if you're from the southwest, Dublin, or Belfast. Also was exposed to Dominican accents to as a kid. We use to love to mimic the different accents in the neighborhood. I always try to tell where the Mistresses are from when I meet them first. They're all pretty good at hiding it as I can never tell. For instance, I could never peg M. Zhao as being a Texan.
  21. Happy New Year beautiful Mistress Zhao :)

  22. I don't see what I do at the FF as part of my shadow. When I'm in session I feel my motives are clear, respectful, friendly. The shadow part of my personality is my desire of vengeance,violence that lurks inside . The bully like behavior I find reprehensible now, at one time I've demonstrated. I can live and learn. Everyone , I think,has the capacity for kindness, also has the same capacity for meanness. You have to choose.
  23. Can you get a Luudes script?!?!........Awesome!!!!!
  24. Hey, I think i got a little bit of the gout in my left tit! ......Well it did ask whats going on!

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