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Everything posted by Outcast

  1. That was great. Reminds me how talented Daniel Day Lewis is. Haven't seen that movie in years. Thank you!
  2. Just thought of another one, "Angels with Dirty Faces" . Love James Cagney and loved the idea how early in life something can happen and change everything forever. The ending was awesome too.
  3. "I am at the moment writing a lengthy indictment against our century. When my brain begins to reel from my literary efforts,I make the occasional cheese dip." ---Ignatius Reilly from the funniest book ever written, "A CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES" by John Kennedy Toole. Love this book!!!!!
  4. "Occasional cheese dip" is a reference from my favorite book. Any idea?
  5. Yelling fire in a crowded movie theater, attending bull fights on acid, cock fights in South Bronx basements, the occasional cheese dip.
  6. Ah yes! But more importantly what is a Blumpkin???
  7. Nobody mentioned "Ernest Goes to Jail". A very important film(not movie see-----class!!)
  8. Santa!!!!! Stop touching me!!!!! Merry Christmas

  9. Thanks M.Fei-----You talkin to me??? (Taxi Driver)
  10. Couldn't resist not chiming in on this one. Love everyone else's selections. Like most I could never narrow it to one and the.few I mention are the ones that strike me right now: 1: The Wild Bunch----I love this movie for the realistic view of violence. I love the cinematography of the old west, the premise of aging gunman knowing their time is closing. I love the comradery and friendship they had for each other ,even though at times they almost killed each other (literally). A sick part of me envied the way they went out,screaming your last death cry behind a gatlin gun AHHHHHHH ....powerful scene. 2. The Bad Lieutenant----Harvey Keitel's depiction of a man inflicted with so many demons was fascinating and in many ways, hit home. Don't get me wrong, I was/am no where near as fucked up as he is in.this movie but I know some places he's been. The story is also about redemption. Very entertaining. 3. Taxi Driver----- The seventies in NYC. The city itself made this movie great for me. The madness of the 70s, loneliness, insanity ....what more can I say??? 4. The Hustler------like Dannyboy this is one.of my all-time favorites. This movie captured the gambling sub-culture quite well. I grew up around bookies and gamblers so I know the.mindset. The highs of winning and how some people set themselves up to lose. Piper Laurie's character reminded me a lot of an ex girlfriend. She had the same sadness and sweetness and when I see the.movie I think.of her. Plus Newman and Gleason, great acting!
  11. the "E" train smells like feet and ass.......but not in a good way!!!

  12. Years ago you helped me when i was going through a hard time. i posted something under another name and you responded in a very helpful way. Thank you!!! And I hope you make a full healthy recovery!!! Thanks!! Sean

    1. TrackWarrior


      Thank you Sean. Dying to jump back in but I just have a problem walking back through the doors of the FF because I am not 100%. I have to go back to NY Pres. in 6 weeks for a scope of my abdomen to make sure the cancer isn't growing. i am working but not feeling great and I am actually on a medication to help me with fatigue. Thought I would be back on my feet now and I am struggling. Thanks Sean. Your kind thoughts mean a lot.

    2. Outcast


      Your kind thoughts mean a lot to me too! I'm wishing you a full recovery so you can get back in. I hope everything at the hospital comes out as favorably as it can for you and youre back 100% !!

  13. He who doesn't understand your silence, probably won't understand your words.

  14. He who doesn't understand your silence, probably won't understand your words.

  15. wait a sec....im gonna cum...BRRRRRRRRRR

  16. That's awesome!! Love it! The author.must be reading.this forum .
  17. Thank you Mistress Zhao . I like the term "Mindfulness". Being in the moment and where you are with no worries and doing what's right for this moment. So not being in a terminal state of fight.or flight as with traumatic incidents, (ie, skydiving, fights, car accidents, getting raped with a 12 inch dildo ) but in a state of natural awareness and relaxation that even when crazy stuff happens you are able to ride the whirl winds and adapt.
  18. fading away.................

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Outcast


      Its cool Bradley! Just had one of those days. Thank you for checking.up! You the man!!!!_

    3. Manpeach


      Glad you're feeling better. I have those times too.

      BTW, I'm really enjoying "A Life Worth Breathing " I'm going through it slow. Paying attention and rereading parts. Learning a lot and finding reinforcement for what I have been doing.

    4. Outcast


      Im so glad you're enjoying the book. I liked it a lot and try to apply the ideas on my practice.


  19. Something about a lady using the word "dickhead" makes me !!! I agree that there are boxers who are also unsportsmanlike but I still prefer it to MMA. The who atmosphere of an MMA just rubs me wrong. It seems to savage for my tastes. The funny thing is in reality boxing is more dangerous and more savage in my opinion. About Mike Tyson, I think he had raw natural power and talent and if he was able to get.his mental health shit together and grow up he could have went.further then he.did. He's definitely interesting in interviews,particulary when he's pissed off. Youtube search "mike tysons craziest moments" and you'll see what I mean.
  20. I enjoy boxing more then MMA but would understand if it was banned. People die in the ring.on occasion. The repeated blows to.the head aren't natural and take tolls on a fighter's well being. Fighters, as tough as they are, are in many ways victims of the dirty.business of boxing and unless they reach super stardom, do not receive the just money they.deserve. I love martial arts ,but got turned off to MMA,. I saw a fight with Brock Lesner Years ago when.he.knocked some dude out and was behaving like a total steriod dick afterward that I swore it off. There are enough assholes in the world walking down.the street then pay to watch them.on tv!
  21. Mistress Fei, I love your posts and questions! Feeling present and aware is something to strive for but for me can be elusive. I tend to day dream and get caught up in my wants, desires, fears that being present isn't always there. In the last decade I've searched and found some ways to quiet the "monkey mind" and find instances of awareness and peace. Becoming aware of your body and feelings in your body and learning to relax help. Times in my life where I felt truly present were traumatic or fearful events. I went skydiving once on a tandem jump and.we were the last ones out of the plane. Watching others falling out of plane knowing soon that would be me made me very aware and connected. Also, being in bad car accident in the passenger seat, I felt very aware. It happened so quick but it was like slow motion as I saw it unfold. Also, other incidents made me aware and in the moment. In the last month I feel connection daily when I exercise. I try and set time to myself to do this and quiet my mind and be present and.feel. When in session at the FF I do feel present in the moment. Much of the experience is dealing with fear. Fear of not having control, not being liked or good enough, fear of pain. It's a thrill in that respect. Most of the time I would say I am present during sessions.
  22. Mistress Fei, thank you for starting this awesome thread. I know very little of psychological views of fetishists and this is enlightening. I like what you said about some fetishes being.hard wired and a natural part of being human. Scent and the adoration of the female body come to mind. Others are more a product of society and our upbringing. It's very complicated how we are. Deep down people are very much alike and want same things yet each individual is unique in that they see the world thru their own eyes and have their own desires and wants.
  23. Um, to make milkshakes with? Oops , sorry
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