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Everything posted by Outcast

  1. I want to go swimming in Lake Zhao :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Outcast


      Yes, if I had to choose my execution I suppose the noble way would be a firing squad ,no blindfold, but the fun way would be suffocation by upside down scissor hold by M.Zhao. At least I'd go smiling :)

    3. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      I usually choose fun instead of noble ;)

    4. Outcast


      You're as decadent as me M.Zhao :) ...

  2. All these categories. Ide like to see if the Mistresses categorize the subs,what types would you have, the.dirty old man, the hipster, the goths, the undercover pervs, etc. That would be interesting.
  3. I know! Everybody funny, now you funny too!

  4. hey jk, "used to " past tense huh. Are you cured of it ?
  5. I bet there would be many fun scents to enjoy as a locker room attendant in a femdom boxing gym One can only imagine!
  6. That's great! I love the way the sleazy Rev looks at him when he starts saying "he's been my reverend since I was a little boy" ,like man,I don't know you lol.
  7. Ah yes ,"Sexual Chocolate" that was my nickname in high school! No actually, its a coded message to my handlers in Langley...those who know won't tell ,those who'll tell don't know!! For real, I was channel surfing and came across "Coming to America" and was watching a funny scene!
  8. I don't know where it comes from. I just get.the.feeling.that.if you seek.out.that kind of work there's always the potential your a sick pedophile. Santacon, what a pain in the ass that day. It's like St.Patty's Day on steroids with drunken mobs of Santas roaming Manhattan.
  9. There is the reason of my fear of clowns and Department Store Santa's! John Wayne Gacey looking motherfucker!!
  10. I never saw this one. I liked Garret Morris as one of the original prime time players on SNL. Chico Escuela--Beisaball has been very very good to me! This scene totally fucked me up! ahhhhhhhhhhhh
  11. Getting quoted by Mistress Zhao just made my day!!!!! . In relation to the topic, I like my own sometimes but if other people bust ass around me I tend to run for the door. Best place to fart for the mischievous is an airplane. Nowhere to run and the air keeps getting recycled
  12. Hey Danny, just wanted to say i hope you're feeling better.

    1. Dannyboy


      I was in great physical pain for several days. Almost back to normal except for the side effects of the meds. Thanks for asking.

  13. The one constant....change, accept, adapt, flow with it,be one with it.

  14. Getting slapped is fun. I like it when it comes out of the blue, its a real attention getter. Also is cool when get a little ringing in the ear along with that pins and.needle sensation on your face.
  15. The Fortress also brings "The Gypsy Queen" to mind as well as "Cousin Kevin". Read the lyrics.
  16. Mistress Kang I just had a funny visual of you wearing a wife beater tee shirt ala Robert Deniro in"Raging Bull", "Ya gonna bring that steak over, you're overcooking it, defeats its own purpose !"
  17. It was great to see you today! That kind of session was exactly what i needed. Seeing you was a delight!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Outcast


      Squirtwhale !!! Lol That's hilarious :D. I love it. The book looked great but if I bring it home it might set off alarms but I will try and read excerpts when I'm in the bookstore. Thank you so much for the offer :)

    3. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Ah, yes. It's not your everyday "for dummies" type of book! Hope you're enjoying your weekend!

    4. Outcast


      Swinging for Dummies ? That book would be like having mom catch me with Hustler Magazine as a kid, "But mom, I only like it for the articles !". I had a wonderful weekend Mistress Zhao and hopeyou had the same :)

  18. Mistress Zhao, are you a chubby-chaser ? :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Outcast


      You just gave me an excuse to engage in some gluttonous behavior

      :) Getting tickled by you is quite the thrill :-)

    3. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Or wait..did you mean that I like to chase "chubbies" in the sense that the terms "boners" and "stiffies" are also used?

      Either way, the answer is yes, especially when attached to a jiggly ticklefest! :D

    4. Outcast


      You like teasing and tickling fatties so that they get a fatty ? Ide love to get tickled by you. I would like to be your fat,vulnerable tickle victim :)

  19. Water eventually breaks rocks. Yield and follow, softness conquers hardness. If that fails kick em in the sack!!!!!
  20. I booked wayyyy to far on advance. Not sure I can wait that long :) Today is a gorgeous day, hope youre enjoying it :)

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Yes yes yes! You know how I love the warm weather :D

    2. Outcast


      I love the warm weather too, because I bet those sexy toes are exposed :). Yummy !!!!

  21. I think there are different types of tears. Healthier tears are a release of sorts. Pent up emotions getting let out. Hearing a song ,or being reminded of something and if I have privacy I let it out.. For me,unhealthy tears are those that come from fear or anger which for me can be rooted in self pity, self loathing etc. I recently set up a session where I asked to be brought down that path. I was in a moodwhen I booked where I wanted to be hurt emotionally. It's kind of like a drunk starting a fight with a monster , self destruction ,wanting to get beaten down because you feel likrle shit about yourself and want to pay some kind of penance. Luckily,the Mistress knows me and understood that that kind of session isn't the best for me. She talked to me about it in some depth and I felt tears, but they were the healthy kind ( for me). And then we proceeded to have a great time!! That's my experience with crying during session. The trust and connection was powerful and beautiful.
  22. Mistress Jung, just finished the book. It was excellent! When you read it to me i was kind of welled up with emotion that i didnt really hear you. It was kind of like the teacher in Charlie Brown :). But on reading it I saw how applicable and helpful it was. Thank you so much :) XO

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      That book means so much to me and I'm was so happy to share it with you :D It's helped me with so many things and I hope it can do the same for you. XO

    2. Outcast


      It has already helped. It was very thoughtful of you. Thank you :D

  23. Mistress Jung, you know what need more then i even kmow. The session was fun,beautiful,fulfilling all at once. I was touched by your gift and the sweetness you showed on taking time to talk to me. You are truly beautiful and the light shines bright whenever you enter a room :)

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Hi sod, I am touched by the way you trust me. Today was very special and fun :) You bring out some of that light when I walk into the room XO

    2. Outcast


      That makes me so happy!!:-). You bring a smile to my face whenever I think of you (quite often ) XO

  24. :D
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Outcast


      Hey Mistress Jung, I had a nice Easter with family as well. I'm so happy you're enjoying the book. I thought you might. In looking forward to seeing you soon :)

    3. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Me too! :D See you soon!

    4. Outcast


      Eagerly anticipating seeing you! Looking at your new pic with the glasses. Love your smile :)

  25. What about really bad nail fungus and hammerhead toes so you can sing MC Hammer's "Hammertime"?
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