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Everything posted by Outcast

  1. She can't help it ! She was born that way! She's a BLABBERMOUTH!!!
  2. uhmmmmmm Rachel.....you've come......back!
  3. Very amusing little bottle of wine.... Drink up mine host!!
  4. I'm a huge Honeymooner fan and I didn't even know that!! What about Harvey, "Remember if you don't show up, ill come get ya".
  5. From now on Ide like to be addressed as "Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler"!!
  6. My acting sucks but I'm usually playing the part of the lowly perv so its not much of a stretch. I use my method acting to remember life experiences. The Mistresses, on the other hand , are great roleplayers and the really make roleplay sessions really fun !!
  7. Mistress Zhao, thank you for such a great afternoon. It was so much fun and it was a wonderful suprise to see you again. I hope you have a great time visiting new lands!!

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      It was my peasure, sod. I only wish we had more time! :)

    2. Outcast


      Me too!! Time just flew by. Hopefully other times to come :)

  8. Mistress Sunya, I just was looking at your webpage and saw you used my review. It brought back nice memories when i met you. Im flattered and honored that you posted it. Thanks :)

  9. I like Vonnegut also. This year I read Huxley, Orwell , and Vonnegut's short story collection. Also I just finished "Shogun" which is a great book. My favorite all time book is "A Confederacy of Dunces" which is probably the funniest book ever written. If lone nut assassins kill famous people with "Catcher in the Rye" in their pocket, Iwould do something extremely absurd with this book in my possession. It's that influential. It's a masterpiece!!
  10. I believe that applies to me as well. I don't change personalities but definitely become more vulnerable.
  11. That's an analogy I've hear before and found truth in. It's a reason I find celibacy potentially harmful. It's a human need that if you "dam" it up the water has to go somewhere and can end going into some unhealthy places (pedophilia, rape, violence toward others) . The same could be true of ignoring certain parts of your sexuality I suppose. In my private relationships I always try to be spontaneous and fun and most times I have to be the aggressor. Mostly vanilla with tinges of dominance on my part is usually how it is. In the FF I can let go and be submissive. I can discuss things that I would never reveal anyplace else. I really enjoy being submissive in that way. I find it liberating and fun.
  12. :-)

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      :D hello sod! your comment on my notre dame photo made me laugh!
    2. Outcast


      Im glad to make you smile. Seeing pics of your sexy self all over the world always brings a smile to my face :-)

  13. Farting on a plane is funny if you're the one who dealt it. On a ling flight to California I smelled this horrible egg/ sulphur stench to look and see my friend laughing so hard he's crying.
  14. A win/win situation for all involved
  15. If the strap on don't fit, you must acquit!!
  16. He can call my lawyer--- Johnny Cockring!!
  17. I think Catholic school definetly had a hand in forming my fetishes. The uniforms made me nuts since 1rst grade. I'm not heavy into pain so I learned at a young age to push the envelope but not break it with my wise ass behavior. Plus, the whole taboo forbidden attitude about sex made it even more desirable to me. There's a movie called "Heaven Help Us" which in addition to being really funny captured the whole attitude and sexuality of growing up in Catholic school.
  18. Mistress Jung, I was here at 8am ready to do my duty. Youre not gping to call my boss are you?? ;D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Outcast


      It's too bad its so far. I would open up one down there just for the chance to see you walk in there a few times a week :)

    3. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      That is so sweet :-) And I'd never have to wait in line for the bathroom ;-)

    4. Outcast


      No you wouldn't :) But that goes for anywhere. If you ever have to pee and thetes nowhere to go just send up the Bat signal and I'm there :)

  19. Getting woman-handled by you is a dream come true for any wise ass Mistress Sunya . That must have been difficult to go through that kind of stress at a young age (a new country, language,culture). Going through an experience like that I'm sure made you a stronger person with empathy for others in similar circumstance. On another note, I'm curious about the Mistresses. How was your behavior in school. I mean I'm sure you all did well but did you mess around a lot in class or were you the quiet goody two shoes type. I see most as the latter who discovered their adventurous wild streak later in life.
  20. Mistress Sunya, playing truth or dare with you must have a lot of fun !!! When I was in grammar school playing spin the bottle was fun. I was always a perv ever since I can remember. In school dropping pencils to peak up girl's skirts was my specialty . When I was in 7th and 8th grade me and my friends would watch the dirty cable tv show "Midnight Blue" produced by a notorious perv named Al Goldstein who also published "Screw Magazine". I would always joke on it so my friends would call me Al Goldstein. They said every Friday night I would sit in front of the tv, bag of chips on one side and huge jar of vasoline on the other getting ready to watch Midnight Blue. They weren't too far off the mark But the girls in class would pick up on this and if I wised off to them theyde be like "Oh shut up, Al Goldstein".Which would humiliate the shit out of me because I was exposed as the dirty perv I was/am. Plus,girls use to play tricks on me and get me in trouble. I remember these two cruel girls put a tack on my seat which I kneeled into and howled in pain and was thrown out of class for fuckin around in class which 9 out of 10 times I would have been. Next thing I'm in the hallway and along comes the Principal who looked like Darth Vader to me and asks what I'm doing in the hallway.I tell him I got thrown out and he starts slapping the shit out of me screaming so everyone hears and my ears are ringing. I look in the classroom and there are the two culprits with nervous sympathetic grins on their faces. It was funny. Guess you had to be there
  21. Mistress Jung, I am so long overdue for some therapy. Miss seeing you!! Hope you are warm and dry today:)

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Hi sod! Thanks! I miss seeing you too! I have a new, dirty role play lined up for you too! ;-)

    2. Outcast


      Really!!! I can't wait to see what you have in mind. I bet its very devious ;)

  22. I put cologne on my eggs when I was a kid. The experiment didn't go well. I was like Macaulay Culkin in "Home Alone".
  23. He'd be a lucky guy!!! You're such a sexy badass Mistress Jung!!!
  24. I like the power dynamic of being nude and exposed before a beautiful women. I also loved to be stripped and humiliated. The end of the session are strange because its in reverse. I'm dressed and the Mistress is still nude. What I try to do is pretend she's not and maintain eye /face contact. I would hate to peek and be disrespectful
  25. Very unethical conduct Councillor, I'll have to report you to the bar. Apparently you never saw "Cape Fear" .
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