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Everything posted by Outcast

  1. Not to ruin the fantasy Mistress Tran, but I read that guy was inebriated out of his mind spitting and groping ladies. Once he was tied down, I'm sure you would have taught him a lesson!!
  2. With sincerest honesty, Ide rather spend time with either one of these beautiful ladies over ANY celebrity ,past or present, any day of the week. There is too much emphasis on stardom in my opinion so they can all kiss my ass!!!
  3. Recent porn, for pee fetish a lot of the porn I see is m on f. There are these Japanese flips I've seen that take place in a men's room that are totally filthy. For F on M which I really enjoy there's an older Domme from out west who has some clips online that are very hot and remind me of the Fortress.
  4. I hope you have a great vacation Mistress Sunya!!!
  5. When I was young there was an older neighborhood perv nicknamed "Magilla". He was a nice enough guy and he would have a normal conversation until he'd inevitably ask "so, what size are you now?" Can I see your feet etc etc. We were like 13-14 and would laugh and tell him to fuck off (in a nice way because true to his name he was built like a fucking gorilla). Anyway this guy was known by most of the neighborhood boys for this obsession and it was kind of a joke. Fast forward to my mid twenties, at a bachelor party in a bars backroom with a pretty raunchy sex act. The dancer takes the groom's foot puts a huge rubber on his toes and startsfucking his foot. Next thing everyone starts chanting "Magilla,Magilla, Magilla!" It was funny how the whole room thought of him with that move. The dancer was probably thinking who the hell is Magilla. What I love seeing women do with their feet is too dangle their heels from their toe. I find that extremely sexy!!
  6. I will have to check those movies out Mistress Kang. That's pretty wild doing it in a movie theater. What if the dude with the flashlight came by?
  7. That was a very touching love story. I see made for tv movie for Lifetime or WE in the works
  8. hahahahahahahaha I love public access shows!!!!! Priceless !!!! I love the look of the host listening.
  9. Mistress Jung, thank you so much for amazing me with your expert marksmanship. It was so much fun :)

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Hi sod! I always have so much fun with you! My POV from the other day was one of my favorites yet, we definitely have to do that again! :-)

    2. Outcast


      I loved the position and always love your smile and eyes as you let loose into my mouth.Love seeing your pleasure and amusement.

  10. I'm glad your mom didn't go alone but with a loving,caring son. I'm sorry for your loss.
  11. I'm a total degenerate and disaster of a human being, but mostly I've been pretty good
  12. You were a busy man!!! Im bad under questioning myself. Mention any torture and I sing like a canary. I should bite the cyanide right away!!
  13. I think after your done I would be confessing to the Kennedy assassination, Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance, and that I was Jack the ripper . I think it would a lot of fun to be in your custody officer
  14. Ide love to see you in any of those uniforms Mistress Sunya. Like to see you in a police uniform, that could be hot!!
  15. Mistress Jung, those schoolgirl uniforms are YOU!!! I could definetly see you in one driving all the prepubescent teenage boys mad with your sexy legs and body.Then later in high school when the heels and nylons came in,holy shit no wonder I ended up in summer school. How can I concentrate on Trigonometry with all those dangling heels and sexy legs about. Raging teen hormones and sexy uniforms = misspelling on every other word here and a misspent youth
  16. Mistress Jung, I am so happy the Mayan apocalypse didn't happen!! Now I get to keep my appointment with you next week. Im soooo looking forward to it!!! :)

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      LOL, happy the world didn't end just so we could keep our session together! You flatter me ;-)

    2. Outcast


      Wasnt too worried about the world ending or I would have scheduled for Thursday. Am very much looking forward to our session though :) Will be fun to play!!

  17. After watching that full episode I'm calling the Irish Defamation League!!!! Show was hysterical!!
  18. Those pics are GREAT Mistress Kang! Thank you for posting them. You all look so fine. I envy your youth, beauty and obvious comradery. Hope 2013 brings you many more good times.
  19. how about some unwilling hockey players in a fashion show? [media=] [/media]
  20. Is this similar to the" Bedford Park Academy Night School Smoking Crack in the Bathroom Club"?
  21. Ide say you don't have to cheat Mistress Tran, those odds are definitely in the houses favor. But the sub can't lose either because if you lose you still win. Next best thing to playing and winning, playing and losing:)
  22. A possible roleplay, I don't know. I think its pretty damned funny though,"Two thieves with filthy mouths and bad attitudes" [media=] [/media]
  23. Pee Wee's sorry too. Check it out---- www.YouTube.com/watch?v=lb8MqiDeBUw
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