I never would want to change someone's beliefs on religious/ spiritual manners. Looking at history ,though, it seems man has a way of interpreting or even manipulating things to suit they're own agenda. Religion has done a lot of good through history and they're are many decent religious people in the world. Their faith helps them and comforts them and who am I to tell them they are wrong. On theother hand, religion has caused a lot of violence and conflict in history and to this very day. The people in control use religion , wether they know it or not to control people's pocketbooks and minds. Ot comes down to power. Read 1984 when O'Brian explains to Winston Smith the ultimate goals of the "party" .Power for powers sake. Today, my version of a God or Higher Power differs greatly then when I was young. God to me is something that is so great its beyond human comprehension. It's not a bearded man on a cloud ready to smite me down because I jerked off into a sock when I was 12. That God is a creation of man that came about in Mesopotamia when monotheism started and probably resembled the rulers there at the time. Today I don't understand God and that's ok. I know that I don't know. What I do know is that in my daily affairs I try to use the golden rule. Treat others as I would like to be treated. Try to avoid trouble and show kindness as much as possible. I'm not a passivist but avoid fights as much as possible. Most fights in life ,win or lose I have nothing but regrets but anytime I was able to really help someonei have nothing but joy. So if you read this far thank you for listening to the wild ramblings of someone who is obviously insane