I started watching some interesting reviews of Kubrick movies on YouTube. I watched 2001 again and I'm interested to hear people's point of view on what the meaning of that movie is. What exactly is the monolith? What does the end mean? The great thing about his movies is that he let's you come to your own conclusion. His attention to detail is impeccable. His movies are very deep. The other movie I've been looking at is The Shining. When I first saw this as a teen , I was in an altered state and watching it with the crazy behavior and the whole "HERE'S JOHNNY" thing, my friends and I were laughing at all the inappropriate times. I didn't find it to be a great movie either. Later on I learned an appreciation as it grew on me. Before Kubrick made the film it is said that he developed interest in subliminal advertising. I remember learning something about this, magazine liquor ads with naked ladies in the ice cubes of glasses of rum . Also the whole rock and roll thing, backward masking, Paul is Dead , I find all that shit fascinating. It shows the depth of the human mind. How much potential there is built in there and how much is not really known by our conscious ,but how much we intuitively know and see. There are so many subliminal happenings in The Shining that there isn't enough time. So many theories about true meanings and multiple true meanings . Once again, what your beliefs are and what you bring to the table will have a huge impact on how you interpret some of the nuances. Very cool to explore. Hope everyone is healthy and well!