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Everything posted by Outcast

  1. I love the Mistresses attitude about sharing their "toys". Life should be so simple!
  2. Blue Velvet fan--- to complete the sentence.

  3. Hey John,thanks for all your posts! Always a pleasure to meet another " Blue Velbe

  4. I'm glad. I think you were happy to see how easy it was too make me all red with your ass kicking
  5. Wow, John those are some experiences. As far as sleep paralysis goes, I tend to believe there are physiological and psychological explanations rather then supernatural. But it is an eerie feelings and also you never know. I can definetly see how one could attribute it to that. As far as the occult. For me, and only speaking for me,, I wouldn't fuck with that shit for a few reasons. 1) It's probably all bullshit. 2) If its not bullshit you're playing around with dark forces and who needs it. I've seen enough dark shit in my lifetime , I need to laugh, have levity, and be healthy not Fucking around with demons. Occult influences in music it seems are all over the place. Go to YouTube and type Stairway to Heaven and Hotel California backwards and there definetly some wierd shit going on. I think a lot of that satanism comes from the hedonism of the time. It seems selfish philosophy and any philosophy,religion that doesn't have helping/ kindness to others in its root isn't worth a shit. Plus it seems drugs have a place in these subcultures SD a path to enlightment. Horseshit,Alestier Crowley died supposedly a dope fiend and his last words "I'm perplexed". In the words of Richard Pryor " Boy , I got some advice for your ass, better lay off that narcotic, that shit done made you null and void". So for me clean living, help others when you can, show kindness and what is more spiritual then that.
  6. I think the website and forum helped me a lot. You can find someone who has similar interests who you can connect with and have a great time. Lately, I'm awestruck by Mistress Jung . She intuitively knows how to handle me and is so much fun and so sexy that its always great. Plus, and a big plus, she seems to get a genuine kick out of the activities we engage in ,and for me its a joy to see her happy. I really discovered her by reading her posts on the forum, looking at her sexy pics and being taken in by her. So if you search , e-mail and look at the forum you can find someone who is like- minded and who you can connect with:)
  7. Thanks John. Dennis Hopper RULES!! Suave, you are so Fucking suave man!! lol And who can forget " Baby wants it!! Baby wants to fuuuck!!"
  8. That is an interesting story. An experience I use to get on occasion was to be half asleep and feel a troubled presence on top of me, smothering me. There was a humming sound and I couldnt move and would fight to wake up to escape it. In one instance , I remember thinking I was screaming out loud to awaken myself but in reality was told I was moaning in pain. Are these pained spirits coming to haunt/torment me? Who the hell knows. What did come.to find that the same symptoms happen all over the globe with.diffetent cultures. They call it sleep paralysis and its common. I tend to think the mind is a powerful thing and most of the demons and.boogiemen out there are our own creation. That energy that is our essence might make our post death reality based on our beliefs. If you believe in some concept of an afterlife it will be there when you leave this existence because you believed. If you don't believe perhaps quiet nothingness. In a way,I would hate for this theory to be true for fanatical suicide bombers who see killing human beings as a ticket to heaven and a thousand virgins. Btw, a comedian once remarked where do they find male virgins for female suicide bombers. Males virgins are harder to come by. Have to scoop them up at a Star Trek/ Comicon convention.
  9. And the next thought is ," Is she really going to do what I think she is going to do with that thing?!?
  10. Thank you , Mistress Jung for sharing such a beautiful picture. I get excited just thinking about your sexy feet!! Love to give each one of your sexy painted toes special attention:)
  11. Charles Grodin "I also suffer from claustophobia ,fear of small spaces".Robert Deniro " You're about to suffer from fistophobia!!"
  12. Fear can also mean -- Fuck Everything And Run!!!
  13. It's definetly "a". Whenever most men see a beautiful woman even of they stop themselves they always have to look. That's what you are catching.
  14. Would love to be a permanent seat for that round beautiful ass Would kiss it day and night!
  15. Mistress Jung, thank you so much for such a GREAT time. You were perfect and fun snd a joy as always. Hope I didnt overstay my welcime talking yout ear off with my "secrets" afterward ;)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Outcast


      You're so welcome :) I'm so glad you liked them. Peanut butter, I know now for next time.A bowl and peanut butter brownies and ill be all set :)

    3. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Don't get too cocky. It will take more than a well fitted bowl and some tasty brownies to save your ass ;)

    4. Outcast


      I'm sorry Mistress Jung, I should have known you wouldn't fall for my feeble bribery attempt :) I will be more obedient and humble in the future.

  16. I'm like a broke down carriage horse in central park. Seen better days but love to be ridden just the same.
  17. To see that would be INCREDIBLE!!!
  18. That's great. I imagine that couple purposely left the shade up. Unless you have zero commonsense you have to know someone will see you. There is a hotel in Chelsea near the West Side highway that has huge windows without shades . It's a fav of exhibitionists and voyeurs alike.
  19. You mean your afraid of getting fucked in the ass from the Chuckie doll from " Child's Play"? That would make a cool porno.
  20. Your absolutely right Ms.Jung,I don't have it in me to stalk. Does it count if I have all the walls and ceilings of my apartment wallpapered with your pics from the internet . No I'm more star struck and in awe.I'm like the girl in "Saturday Night Fever" who goes up to John Travolta after he finished dancing. Ms Jung would be sitting there with her friends and Ide say"Mistress Jung can I wipe your forehead? I love watching you dance,I really love watching you dance." Your friends would be looking at each other laughing.Hope you get the 70s movie reference. And being called a funny dirty perv by Mistress Jung for me is the highest compliment!!! Thank you!!!
  21. People watching --- I do a lot of it. I love watching behaviors and seeing what people are up to. Aside from survival instinct ,its also very interesting. I like when I'm driving stuck at a red light to look in the car next to me and see if the other driver is picking his/her nose. Youde be suprised how many people get busted knuckle deep digging for gold. If they look like a supermodel or a kendoll then thats worth a million points .
  22. I find Mistress Jung to be very innocent and sweet. She's also very twisted,sexy and fun in a great way that makes her so appealing. In addition to being drop dead gorgeous ,great tastes in comedy and music. What else can I say. She is HOT!!! And no worries I'm not a stalker ,just a rational human being strongly opinionated on this matter.
  23. No Mistress Kang, I wasn't serious,just a feeble attempt at humor. I thought it would be a funny scene. My thoughts would be like " cool she's gonna tie me up. Wow this is cool. Wait a sec!!! Who the hell is that " Then yelling in a Sam Kinison voice "No no nooooooooo "!!! The superman cape was just a nice touch. But thank you for offering to help me overcome that. I'm sorry I wasted your time.(bow)
  24. I'm not really fearful of clowns,though I don't really care for them. My real fear is being tied up in a session and having some guy jump out of the closet wearing s superman cape and fuck me in the ass. It's a reoccuring nightmare I'm dealing with .
  25. The biggest difference between sex for money and sex for free is that the sex for money usually costs alot less. -- Brendan Behan

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