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Everything posted by Outcast

  1. The biggest difference between sex for money and sex for free is that the sex for money usually costs alot less. -- Brendan Behan

  2. Happy Valentine's Day !!!

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Well thank you! Happy VD to you too haha ;-)

    2. Outcast


      Today is VD day? When do we celebrate chlamydia day ? :)

  3. I believe those sickees are known as "dickeewacks".
  4. I don't know how ticklish that would be got me Mistress Tran but it certainly would be a sweet sensation. You have such beautiful hair
  5. From a sub's point of view, I find eye contact very exciting. It shows connection and seeing the emotions in the Mistresses eyes is also a huge turn on and rush. So like playing in general, its a two way street
  6. It amazes me how so many beautiful women can be gathered in one space. I love these pics . Such beautiful faces. They are right when they say the eyes are the window to the soul. You can tell much about a person if you look into them. When I look into the eyes here I see sensuality, mischievousness,beauty, and happiness. Really a nice array. Thanks for posting them.
  7. I love these traits that were mentioned. What I could add is it helps if She is extremely kinky,fun loving, with a sick sense of humor. That's what is great about this forum. You really get to learn different personalities and who suits you most. Also , it helps if She is beautiful, but that's no issue at the FF . All of the Ladies here are gorgeous!! So someone with a nice personality who you can trust is a perfect recipe for fun!
  8. Pulling out your dick in 3rd grade during class huh lol. That will definetly earn you an appointment with the school psychiatrist!! I thought I was bad dropping pencils to look up girls skirts.
  9. For me it was intense. I loved the whole idea. It was soooo dirty and the Mistress who was sharing it with me is innocent and cute looking that it blew my mind!! Fun fun fun
  10. Hey M. Jung, I was curious if my e-mail review was ok?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Outcast


      You are so right Ms.Jung. How can I think of schoolwork when I'm staring trancelike at your beautiful presence. I think you'll have to hold me after class and straighten my wise ass out :)

    3. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Sounds like some detention is in order ;-)

    4. Outcast


      Oh no!! Detention, not again!! Somehow detention I think detention with you will be a lot more fun then I remember it in school. Can't wait to find out:)

  11. I guess you're right Woffy. Afterall, we are still that same wise ass teenager at heart. And there is something very humorous in that situation which is why it appeals to me. The human mind is a crazy thing!!
  12. This thread made me think of another roleplay scenario involving an arrogant male other then an office. I'll be the crook who just got locked up by 2 female cops. Back getting processed I go ton a ball breaking mission---" Where's my phone call" "I want a cigarette" Do they let females your size on the PD." "Women shouldn't be cops" " You're lucky I'm a nice guy or I would have kicked your ass out in the street and.ran off" etc They would be extremely pissed at my insubordinate ,sexist attitude. So attitude readjustment is in order lol. They take you into a room for a strip search/ ass whooping. Make fun of your shortcoming and let you know who the boss is. Of course the normal degrading activities these ladies know and love and are so good at.will be included. By the end of the session you are a changed man and have whole new outlook on life -- rehabilitated
  13. This roleplay would be fun if I wasn't so friggin old that it would be ridiculous. It would be true to life. I went to Catholic school and was a frequent flier in detention. I loved mischief and fooling around in class. It was like s cat and mouse game to break their balls as much as possible before they explode. Kind of like stretch the envelope don't break it. I never thought of the nuns in a sexual way but I remember one standing over me in class slapping the shit out of the top of my head and putting my head down lookiing at my friend and laughing uncontrollably. So bringing some of those attitudes and themes into a more adult orientated fantasy would be fun.
  14. We have the same tastes. Blue Velvet was great. Dennis Hopper never disappoints. "Frank,should I pour the beer?" " No ,I want you to fuck it,shit yes pour the fucking beer!" Hahaha. I like the honorable mention of Harvey Keitel's Bad Lieutenant too. That gut wrenching whimper/cry/howl he had. I'm going to try and emulate that in my next session
  15. Love to see her with Bill Murray's character from Caddyshack. Now that would be entertaining and hilarious!!
  16. I love all the pics. If I had to chose a favorite ,probably the one in Mistress Jung's candid of her squatting in a parking lot over a fresh puddle of pee. So naughty and sexy and Mistress Jung with the mischievous grin:)
  17. i get excitement at your feet--- from "Tommy" The Who

  18. Loved Dennis Hopper as a dom in "Blue Velvet". "Suave you are so fucking suave man." Fucking hilarious and frightening all at once, not unlike the real thing. Two celebs I would like to dominate me are Sheryl Crowe and Daisy Fuentes!!! They are both gorgeous and have the sexiest feet.
  19. In my personal life I try to have patience and consideration for everyone. No ones perfect and I can get pissed like anyone else but that's my ideal. I find that I'm more tolerant towards women. How that is,I don't know. Not just attractive women but all women. I like what I read somewhere " know masculinity,maintain femininity". If a woman is bitchy to me I'm more likely to let it go then I am with a man. Bitchy women aren't really a turn on for me even as a sub. There has to be a sense of humor behind the bitchiness for it to work for me.
  20. I just tried some GS related fun in my last session. First being gagged with piss soaked panties was totally sexy and degrading all at once. Also when the Mistress was giving me golden we maintained eye contact and it was so hot. I loved seeing the emotion in her eyes ad she degraded me in such a manner. It was sensual,dirty and taboo. Absolutely LOVED it
  21. Thank you so much Dr.Jung for helping me with my issues :) The rice crispy treat was as delicious as your hug!!!

  22. M.Jung was thinking of you today..... came dangerously close to breaking our 7 day rule :)

  23. Happy New Year!!! It would be an honor to help you with your beautiful legs. I'm not even worthy to be in the same room with them but if you insist :)

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      Well you know if I give you the honor of giving you such a prestige job....I require something in return. And what I want unfortunately I cant tell you until after....deal?

    2. Outcast


      Hmmmmmm ok. You got the hamster wheel in my head turning. Whatever it is you want me to do... It will be well worth it to worship your sexy legs :)

  24. I don't think I've ever been this excited before a doctor's appt. :)

  25. Sexy, young,beautiful, and great taste in music!! Can you be any more perfect M.Jung ... or shall I say Dr. Jung :)

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