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Everything posted by Outcast

  1. Under your thumb -- like Mick Jagger said . :) You might be too young for the Stones reference.

  2. You too M Jung!! How was my time !!! Pretty good. You got me way in check :)

  3. Hey M Jung -- hope you are enjoying a beautiful holiday with your sexy self :). Hope to see you in the new year. Getting great ideas from the forum.

  4. Have a great time in England. Happy Holidays!!!

  5. Eddie Murphy in " Trading places"----Merry New Year Ahahaha!!!
  6. Happy to be your friend:) Always enjoy reading your posts.

  7. Don't you people know there are kids starving in Africa !!!! Sally Struthers would kill you man !!!!
  8. Without a doubt!!! See the quick response. Devotion;)

  9. My head is still spinning from before. So much fun :) Thank you

  10. Wednesday seems so far away!!! I Cannot wait. :)

  11. Mistress Jung thank you for making me extremely excited on an otherwise boring night :)

  12. I went to the shrink and said "Doc, I got problems making friends you fucking cocksucker".

  13. Reminds me of one of the first things they taught at sex ed in grammar school,"If it smells like fish make it a dish, if it smells like cologne leave it alone---- they're hiding something"
  14. One is too many and a thousand is not enough-----Brendan Behan

  15. The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it--I can resist everything but temptation. Oscar Wilde

  16. My sincere apology to whoever read this post---- What a friggin disaster !!!! Totally embarrassed!!
  17. Looking at this topic you can see that all the fetish hot spots on a woman are all places where there are sweat glands. I guess it makes perfect sense. Like others, I have never gave too much thoughts to armpits, though of course I would kiss them upon request., but the smell and sweat of a woman is really exciting. For me the most pungent and sexiest smells come from a woman's ass. Not the scent like you didn't clean yourself after using the bathroom--for me thats a repellant--but the natural musky smell down there is great. For me when I take it in my nose opens and I get into a lustful trance,my knees get weak and I have to kiss it to get more!! I guess this explains why dogs do it lol. I guess even though we are more intelligent and have more technology we are still no different then animals with basic instincts that are backed up by nature.
  18. Mel Brooks is a genius. "It's good to be the king" (wink) lol
  19. Thanks for the compliment Willie. Glad you enjoyed:)
  20. I love this thread getting revisited. Golden is something that interested me later in life and luckily I have been able to explore it at the Fortress. I have this re occurring fantasy based oddly enough on a Mel Brooks movie called "History of the World" where Mel Brooks plays a "piss boy" in the French royal court just before the revolution. He's a peasant walking around with a bucket for the nobles to piss in. My fantasy is to be a piss boy in a ladies room of a night club ,on my knees on the wet bathroom floor,with a sign saying "Pee in the bucket 25 cents. Pee in the piss boys mouth 50 cents" Of course when they ate done they throw the quarters in the bottom of the piss filled bucket. I picture women coming in looking at the pathetic site and deciding "use" me just out of guilt. I picture them being indifferent,talking on the cell phone as they spray my face with piss. Some women off course will walk past me with a snicker and opt for the conventional toilet. But hopefully not too many because if so don't make my nightly quota I will be punished by my femdom boss .
  21. Sensitive, also paranoid ,psychotic , silly also come to mind. Thanks for clearing that up M Jung. :)

  22. Hey M .Jung :). I was referring to my last msg. When I saw all the stalks I thought it was in regards to what I wrote. I reread it --- and yeah it sounded alittle gushing and stalkeresque. So I put myself on a self imposed gag order to only speak when spoken to. Never my intention to stalk. Just to be nice :)

  23. Guess you're right. I'll go away.

  24. Yes you are many things beside wild....sexy,beautiful,dominant,smart,young, kind and delicious in everyway :) I know I probably missed some adjectives as you know my vocabulary is lacking, especially when I'm nervous around a superior woman as yourself !!

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