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Everything posted by Outcast

  1. Thank you for writing your experience. Such a great read!!1 You should be a writer :)

  2. What a story Cindy wrote!! You are a WILD woman M.Jung :) Can't wait to see you again

  3. Me ???? Thirsty??? Always :)

  4. That was a cool movie also sounds like fun scenario with the Mistresses of the Fortress. It would be like female revenge for all the bukkake movies .Call it Spitkake followed by some Peekake
  5. Mistress Tran--I loved being your punching bag. It was so fun being handled like that by such a strong ,sexy ,dominant woman. I suspect you went easy on me due to the fact I asked not to get marked and also because I'm a big baby with pain but it was great. I know you have skills as a fighter so it made it even more exciting. Like I posted before for a few days afterward my abdomen was sore and when I felt it brought a nice smile remembering how I got it:)
  6. Me too . I learned so many different ways of drinking your sweet water.Just like you said we have to find a way to bottle it.It's way to sweet to go to waste!!!!! You are way too hot to be true. Thank you so much !!!!
  7. A large salad bowl???? Whatever for ??? Lol
  8. No worries at all. Mistress Jung has my complete trust . It's going to be really fun. I can just tell:)
  9. Love em. Ohhhhhh I can't wait. I'm so psyched
  10. All I can say is lucky, lucky me. Can't wait :-)
  11. Mistress Jung. Thank you for that sexy scenario. I have been spit on by some of the Mistresses of the Fortress but never to that extreme. It sounds incredibly hot and sexy especially coming from such a hot,sexy woman like yourself!!!!
  12. You recently posted a sexy pic from the party on another thread which lead me to read this. What a beaautiful wish . You are a very cool beautiful woman:).
  13. Mistress Tran---- is that your secret . That smell with you drives me crazy. I would guess but don't want to embarrass myself. Plus I don't think its a good idea to bring those beautiful panties home
  14. Mistress Zhao--I really enjoy all your work. For yourself I would love to see a video of you wiht the business suit theme. I love those pics on your page with the glasses and your hair up. I can imagine every guy on your floor hitting on you and getting tortured by your teasing. Also another idea is have to the camera like in a point of view angle and talk directly into it while like spitting. The time you spit in my face was such a turn on (amongst other things ) It would be like reliving it. Thanks again for all the great videos.
  15. Mistress Tran That is so nasty--------------------and so sexy. If you didn't get all the spit off wih a smack maybe you could "spray" it off another way. You are so hot
  16. Mistress Tran-- Thank you so much for those sexy pics. You all look great. When i see you in that position I immediately want to be on my knees behind worshipping your beautiful ass
  17. Mistress Kang --Have you been meditating--or maybe...?
  18. Next time I better watch them at home and not in a crowded park so i don't get locked up for being a pervert. The videos are great due to the beautiful women in them and also the talented director:) Mistress Zhao, all your photography and clips on here are great. Surely a most gifted artist.
  19. I guess when you brain is drowning in booze--warm budweiser/piss---what's the difference When I was a teen and ion a low budget I would settle for Meister Brau or Old Milwaukee's Worst and always thought that might taste like piss--till I tasted piss. I found I like the pee from a beautiful woman alot more then cheap beer. Love to try yours Mistress Ree:)
  20. Thank you so much for these sexy videoes. Unfortunately for me I watched them in public on the phone and pitched an embarrassing tent
  21. Unfortunately this reminds me of a foul practical joke my friends played on one of our unsuspecting acquaintances who happen to pass out drunk in the park with a half drunken quart of bud beside him. He woke up and it was full and he polished it off not knowing. I felt for the sake of peace, as he was a maniac, it was better to mind my own business and not say a word. Ahhhhhhh the good old days.
  22. How come I didn't see any Transit cops like that when I was a juvenile delinquent tagging up on the "A" train
  23. If you play the taste game--will all the Mistresses be there. I mean they could play a joke and have the guys from the bus company downstairs go in a glass lol Better have alot of trust
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