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Everything posted by Outcast

  1. Hey Sonny, do you have any reading material?
  2. Ratzo Rizzo, met a few of those in my time.
  3. I liked the Who at Woodstock doing all the Tommy stuff. Would've been cool to see Hendrick's set too.
  4. I was flipping the channels and came on it at the end. There was this dude soloing on a sitar for like 15 minutes. I was hoping to catch Hendrix or The Who .
  5. The Kids are Alright documentary on The Who. Never realized Keith Moon was into bondage....
  6. That movie would be way to offensive by today's standards. A funny clip in it is an advertisement for a movie "Catholic Schoolgirls in Trouble". :)
  7. I love that movie...You have our gratitude!
  8. No, I'm a fan of the 70s Shaw Brothers Kung Fun movies and somehow that one fell on my radar on Amazon. I saw it on cable years ago and was amazed how bad it was. So bad it was great.:) Plus a star studded cast, Scatman Brothers, Isaac from the Love Boat played a militant, Florence from.The Jeffersons had a cameo and that whole 70s dialogue. I was laughing start to finish. Very cool movie :)
  9. I watched Black Belt Jones. Awesomely bad and hilarious.
  10. Nostalgic, I watched the first two seasons. Alittle corny but has nostalgic value.
  11. Everyone was like ohhhhhhh shiiiitttt! The Laser Shows at the planetarium were cool. Laser Zeppelin and Laser Floyd. Looking down the aisle and looking at my friend's watching the show with black basketballs for eyes and mouths gaped open in amazement. The subway ride home was also always interesting.
  12. Ha that's great. I love Pee Wee! He was also in some Cheech and Chong movies. The old joke from 20 years ago, name 2 people shot in the back of the head in theaters. Abraham Lincoln and the guy sitting in front of Pee Wee Herman. Do you think when he was jerking in the theater that he was making this crazy sounds and laughs..HEH HEH HEH HMMMMM!
  13. The Long Good Friday ,with Bob Hoskins who was great as a London crime boss. The ending is great with a young Pierce Brian. No dialogue, just reactions for a about a minute and a half. Excellent.
  14. Lady, that was a really baaaad song. Lol
  15. No, I was kidding. What he did just reminded me of that quote. Separating the artist from the art is sometime necessary rationalization.
  16. Yeah but in the remake Louis CK says that in a room full.of interns and does it for real..........Cleavon Little was great! Remember his episode on all in the family with Lamont?
  17. He was Sheriff Bart in Blazing Saddles "Scuse me while I whip this out"
  18. Lol is that dude pulling his shit out on people?
  19. This show Marco Polo is like a porno movie with Kung Fu. Filth flarn flarn filth as the Hot Cosby likes to say. It's ok, a bit over the top.
  20. I saw that movie in the theater with my friends when I was a teenager. We were tripping and the scene where large Marge's eyes popped out of her head..........mind blowing!
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