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This Tiger King show.......these people are incredibly irritating. Going to check out Peaky Blinders! Heard it is boss!!!
Check out the Kung Fu flick, The Kid with the Golden Arm........badass!
That would be like hitting the jackpot mega millions
Not Fortress related ,but I just had a dream I was on a talk show with the cast of Happy Days back in the day. The Fonz seemed like a cool dude.
This one got a party mouth........ horrifying movie
Tell them Large Marge sent you!!
Before the covid-19 who has time for tv. Now I'm turning into a brain dead jackass watching 5 hours a day trying to wait this out. If I watch the news I'll go crazy so this show has been a good diversion. Kept me entertained for a while. Definitely enjoyed it!
It's always great to see legends perform. I try to see as many as I can while they are still here.
Why are all the best drummers jazz guys. It seems that way. Those guys are all great!
The Mr Fabulous scene and n the restaurant was great. Did you recognize the waiter?
Don't Worry Murray is an actual attorney who specializes in criminal defense up in the Bronx. It's a pretty colorful name. Beware of Me Baker is an excellent documentary. Ginger Baker is an interesting character and period with Cream and Blind Faith is the sweet spot for me of music. That whole era in rock and blues is what I was exposed to as a kid and made me love music. He was a big part of that. He's totally psychotic, but under it you can see a sensitivity. There's alot of misery, drug addiction and insanity there clouding everything, but I believe he was a musical genius.
"Beware of Mr. Baker" about the best drummer of our lifetime, Ginger Baker is an interesting watch.
I started watching Saul, almost done with season 1. Find it slow. The Saul character is funny though. Has some good lines. The nickname and catch phrase reminds of another lawyer "Don't Worry" Murray.
Hi Mistress Kang, funny you should mention that, I watched El Camino last night. It was ok, as a fan of the show I found it interesting. His stoner friends made me laugh. I also checked out the spinoff Better Call Saul. It's no where near as good as BB, but I always got a kick out of the Saul character. The character actor from all those Eddie Murphy flicks from the 80s, Jonathan Banks was also very good
Just binged watched all 5 seasons of Breaking Bad. Never saw it before. Excellent show!
That's Matt "Guitar"Murphy and Blue Lou Mariani. Love this movie. Steve Cropper and Duck Dunn the Booker T and the MGs Stax records crew. Awesome shit. Best line in the movie, So Jake, you're out , you're rehabilitated, what's up, what are your plans, what are you going to do.......you got the money you owe us motherfucker? Lol
I once wore a suit to play an unassuming kidnapped business person.....was pretty fun.
And then some dude dressed in a Superman outfit jumps out of the closet with a jar of Vaseline..."Don't worry pal ,it only hurts alittle".........lol that would be funny. Like a Pulp Fiction kind of thing. I was always fascinated by those Mexican wrasslers who wore those masks. When I was a kid I didn't dig clowns ,still don't , and those guys were kind of in the clown category so they made me uneasy. It's cool to wear costumes in play. I've done it a few times and it could add to the experience. I don't want to say what I wore.There were a few times. I once a had mistress pee all over my tie which I have since loaned to the Smithsonian.
Looking forward to that! An all liquid diet and some rigorous humiliation?
Hope it gets better!
Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!
Hey Jayman, Thanks for those tidbits. Jaws was a great movie and Shaw was great in it. Spielberg is great too. My favorite Spielberg movie is Raiders of the Lost Ark and my least favorite was Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. South Park did a funny bit on Spielberg and George Lucas raping Indiana Jones when that came out. He has done so many great movies though. I grew up on his stuff. Hope you stay healthy and safe!
I know there is an air of hostility, I'm guilty of it too. When I take walks, no eye contact or pleasantries, I have a serious look that says STAY AWAY. Everyone is looking at each other like we have leprosy. I'm hoping this turns around. In the meantime I have to mellow out.
How talented can one woman be?!? I can't wait to hear your accents!. I can do a good Irish accent, even by different regions. I can do a northern Belfast accent as well as a Kerry accent. If you grow up around it you develope an ear. I want to hear your traditional Brooklyn accent :)
I'm very familiar with that scene in 123. His character was ruthless, but also very discipline, methodical and practical. He had a mission and he knew the way to pull it off was to be totally professional and not let feelings get in the way . He was a soldier who somehow turned to criminality. His character reminded me of Brando's speech in Apocalypse Now, when he described being in special forces and coming across a village that they had inoculated and having the VC come when they left and hack off all the inoculated arms. First being horrified and sad ,but then understanding the ruthlessness and will to do that. It caused him madness. Robert Shaw's character in 123 was probably someone who would hack off arms , not for pleasure or any emotion, but as a means to an end. It seems that Robert Shaw had an alcohol problem. They say in Jaws, the who Indianapolis speech was done under the influence as well as most of that scene. Died too young, he was an excellent actor.