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Everything posted by Outcast

  1. Popping bubble wrap paper. Writing "fuck you" in wet cement. Getting on an elevator in a tall building and if I'm the last to get out press every floor button on the way out the door, (yeah ,I'm that guy)
  2. Pussy???? Moi????? Yo soy mucho macho!!! ...No, you're right I can be a pussy sometimes...
  3. Mistress Kang, your promise to be gentle scares the bejeezus out of me....But I might have to see what you mean.....Curiosity always killed the cat:)
  4. Straight to the confessional, then self flagellation ala Rasputin for penance.
  5. First and foremost, if there is a chemistry, then no explanation is needed. Everything goes smooth without words. Those types of sessions are rare. But just because there might not be perfect chemistry doesn't mean it can't be a really good or "great" session. Communication is important. Intuition, especially in the top, is super important. The submissive gives you their submission and trust and that's responsibility that shouldn't be taken lightly or for granted. In most of my private affairs I've always ,for the most part, had to be in the dominant role. With partners who were kinky, I was in charge, but always in charge keeping an eye for the comfortablity and pleasure of who I was with. Communicating beforehand that if anything goes anywhere that you don't want it to go, speak up, it's cool. Keep your finger on the pulse and know when to "switch gears". Switching Gears is an expression I read used by an old poker player to describe flexibility and not being locked in to one idea. It applies to poker, applies to life too. So if you're on the top the onus is on you really to make sure everything is cool, be observant and make sure the person your with is having a good time. As a sub, which is the role I'm always in at the Fortress, I have to communicate what I like/dislike. Try and be open minded, polite, kind, fun loving, respectful and trusting. Sometimes the trusting part is not always easy. That's what makes a great session, at least for me.
  6. You still giving up stuff for Lent DB? I'll give you special dispensation.
  7. I'm just pulling yer leg as usual....Not into anyone's farts but my own...Stick my head under the covers and say..Holy shit that's rancid....My friend use to think it funny to let loose with one of those horrible egg sulphur type farts on a crowded airplane. Kind of funny but not cool.
  8. I always wanted Shirley from What's Happening to let loose a wet one in my face....
  9. I didn't know beautiful women farted..
  10. Got stones in my passway, and my road seem dark as night

  11. It's a tough road. Just realize that "this" is this even though everything is geared to make you believe it's "that". Even knowing this is this isn't enough sometimes for your emotions to get fucked up. This is this and would never in a million years be that, but if it did turn into that, it would eventually have a very fucked up outcome, so feel lucky it isn't that and see the situation clearly, like this post
  12. Give me your years gypsy!!! Borat
  13. Think of me of that family friend who hugs you just a little too long.....Uncle Pervy

  14. DT messing with the golden showers!!!!! That's fucking gross!!!!!! . . .

  15. You look like you going to open some cans of Whoop Ass!!
  16. Merry New Year!!!!! Aha ha ha ha!!!!!!
  17. Merry New Year!!!!! Aha ha ha ha!!!!!!
  18. Santa!!!!! Don't fucking touch me!!!!!

    1. Dannyboy


      That's not Santa; that's your scoutmaster.

    2. Outcast


      Yeah, him too, get up offa me!!!!

  19. Nobody knows, nobody sees, nobody knows but me......

  20. Just get married......you'll get over that castration thing in a hurry!!!!
  21. I don't think there's anything tranquil about putting together equipment. I'd be pulling my hair out wanting to break shit
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