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Everything posted by Outcast

  1. The birdcage is like some voodoo mojo shit...trapping you...messing with your mind.....you have to send money to me and Say twenty times "OOOOAHHH BAIYUUU SIAM" while standing in your underwear on one leg on 47 st and 8th ave at 3:03 am on Nee Years Day....then.the spell will be lifted........that's what the gypsy told me anyway...........either that or get broke so you can't afford to come by anymore..
  2. broke like a mofo!!!!

    1. Outcast


      Broke up in this mofo!!!!

  3. That Barney Rubble, what an actor!!!!

    1. Dannyboy
    2. Outcast


      Student of the Method

  4. My forum activity would decrease dramatically if that were the case M. Rey
  5. I'm sorry Mistress Rey, have to learn restraint of tongue and pen and keyboard!!! That was foul!!
  6. It's only good if it looks like chunky soup............nah nah I'm just playing yo!
  7. Outcast

    I spy

    Nature Girl
  8. if it were raining pussy, I'd get hit with a dick.......bang! write it!

    1. Dannyboy


      If it were raining pussy I would want her ass.

    2. Outcast


      Never happy huh,:)

    3. Dannyboy


      Hah! Not everyone can be as positive and optimistic as some people. In reality I would never turn down pussy but if she offered her ass instead I would feign disappointment and go for it.

  9. You can lose your money,great God dont lose your mind..

  10. Mysterious..you know what i mean.
  11. Myserious, like the Mona Lisa, "what's she thinking".......except your much more beautiful then the Mona Lisa!
  12. Due to heat and humidity ,the Swamp-Ass Index is very high.....remember to bring extra drawers towork boys and girls...

    1. Dannyboy


      Yeah, I got a whole chest full of drawers.

    2. Outcast


      I meant undies

  13. Due to heat and humidity,the Swamp!

  14. Playing lefty....like Jimi Hendrix! Like your rock n roll face
  15. I'd love to see that pretentious Matthew McConnaughey lose control and drive off a cliff in one of those stupid fucking comnercials.Does this make me a bad person?

  16. I got thrown out of the Boy Scouts for getting wasted out of my head on Jack Daniels on a camping trip. It was cool because I believed the scout master might of had some NAMBLA affiliations. If you were the scout master I'd be much more well behaved.
  17. had to cry today

  18. The Eye of Horus.......what does it mean and why is it on the dollar bill?
  19. Got to get better in a little while

  20. and the blue light was my blues, and the red light was my mind.

  21. and the blue light was my blues, and the red light was my mind.

  22. The Great Cornholioioio!!!!!

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