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Everything posted by Jeriko13

  1. My exposure to my fetishes did happen at a relatively young age, because overall story is probably relatively mundane. I remember finding my father's porn (magazines and VHS tapes he would rent) as my first experience with pornography. I was attracted to the scenes, photos, and stories of BDSM, spanking, and other kinks much more than just the typical photos of naked women. One picture of a male submissive tied to a wheel with one white domme and one black domme, both wearing black leather, in the frame is still particularly vivid for me. Other stories of explorations early on are probably better left for the Devotee forum, but I can say I experimented with my current proclivities very early on.
  2. Ready for a great end to an awful 2016.

    1. Dannyboy


      It can get worse; it can get better.


      Que sera?

  3. Jeriko13


    Can I be your pillow?
  4. If only angels looked like thatr
  5. And blow bubbles with it
  6. I generally know who these people are, but cannot identify them by face, so I will say Kelly from Married with Children, Topanga, and Jessie Spano.
  7. I think its about setting expectations. I have plenty of friendships that are strictly platonic, even as I find them attractive. I just don't need to go there with them. They fulfill me in other ways; intellectually, spiritually, civicly, or professionally. I don't need to go to them to find romance and I have no expectations (or desire, really) to expand my relationship with them beyond that.
  8. Yep. This is what mine said: You’re a born adventurer. Some people are afraid to go there, but not you, oh no. You go there, and come back smiling. You know that with great bravery comes great rewards, and while everyone else may either be laughing (or confused) right now, it’s because they just don’t know any better.
  9. Wait, do you not consider Filipinos to be Asian? I always did. Based on that list from Wiki, I would break Asia into three areas of countries. Middle East, Indian subcontinent and Asian countries (which would include mainland Asian and the Southeast Asian islands)
  10. For some reason, I've gone the other way with clothing in sessions. It feels more fetishy to be dominated by someone wearing a business suit, a tank top and jeans or yoga pants, or a t-shirt and shorts with cotton knee high socks.
  11. This is one way to fulfill their Vorarephilia desires, I suppose.
  12. Dated a half Korean/Black girl for a while when I lived in Virginia, though that doesn't feel that unusual.
  13. Man, my dad had so much porn and did a terrible job of hiding it. I can't remember exactly which porn I saw first, but he had full Playboy mags, a ton of ripped out pages from various other mags, and was usually good for a VHS rental from the local video store (remember those and not even just BlockBuster?) once a week. Some ones in particular stick out Swedish Erotica some number or another Slave to Love And this scene, which is still one of the hottest I've ever seen.
  14. For me, its the whole Goonies movie. I still quote it to this day.
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