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Everything posted by Jeriko13

  1. Yes, I had a triple session with Mistresses Tran, Zhao, and Choi who did that to me. It was alot of fun. They tore strategic holes in the plastic wrap; fortunately one was for me to be able to breath.
  2. I usual have a very short patience span for Youtube videos, bit I watched the whole thing. The reactions were very intriguing. It sort of reminded me of some NPR segment talking about how Oreos werent doing well in China until they chnaged the shape from round to a rectangle. My favorite were the two girls talking about which ones would taste good with beer. Thats how I roll.
  3. No place in particular, but when I'm on a trail or even at the peak of my destination, everything else in the world just slides right off me.
  4. I don't know. Its still a comedy though the Coen Brothers tend towards the darker side of humor. Not eve comedy needs to be a RomCom, have Will Farrell, or include fart jokes.
  5. Yes. I take not so secret joy in instigating.
  6. I just threw up from all the cuteness.
  7. As someone who grew up in Syracuse, nobody wants to travel there, haha.
  8. I love (being in) rope restraint. The last time Mistress Kang tied me up using the dragon sleeves (?) technique and had her way with me. It felt restrictive and secure at the same time.
  9. First, welcome to the Fortress Mistress Rey. Second, interesting take on the movie Repulsion. Its definitely a movie I enjoyed since watching it in college for a media studies class on paranoia. The class developed a great deal of fondness for Chuck Pahluniak, David Cronenberg's horror, and Alfred Hitchcock in particular. In any case, Repulsion's central theme of paranoia and her resulting delusions onset by sexual assault struck me more as trauma rather than sexual fantasy.
  10. I'm a big fan of vintage photos and maps. My 2014 calendar in my office was of older Syracuse, NY photos and my 2015 calendar is Buffalo.
  11. Ha, well, I think I'll try and avoid that 4 foot longer than your four foot long whip, but I am looking to see what else is in inside that joybox of joy sometime next week.
  12. Looks like the Mistresses won't have too wait too long to put their presents to use? Leads me to a question; do your friends that know about you give you kinky gifts?
  13. The two movies I could watch every time, Shawshank Redemption and Fight Club.
  14. Well, now I'm going have dreams (nightmares?) of Wild Bill dancing to I like Big Butts.
  15. I mean, you got this super sexy video and then Lil' Jon and Drake dressed like 8th graders.
  16. I think you'd prefer it if I only had gums to use anyway.
  17. Haha, I know you just enjoy watching me hold on for dear life.
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