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Everything posted by Jeriko13

  1. This and the Nicky Minaj video are great, but I always mute them.
  2. Happy Birthday Mistress Tran. Today truly is a great day!

  3. Hopefully seeing you soon =)

    1. Mistress Tran
    2. Jeriko13


      LOL. And Waldo. Can't wait for you to restrain me, hood me, gag me, and treat me like your fuck bag.

  4. I thought you were going to say you cloned Waldo...shudder.
  5. We had a saying in the military if things weren't fitting correctly. Use the "BFI" method. "Brute Force and Ignorance"
  6. What was the name of that thing you used on me? Asking for a friend, of course. =)

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      I don't know the exact name but I can see if I can find the website I got it at.

    2. Jeriko13


      Thanks! I was actually able to figure it out based on the image that you posted.

  7. Thanks for one of my best sessions ever. But I think you made it worse, haha!

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      Worse.... I think you mean BETTER! I guess we will need to do a few more procedures to work out the "kinks"

    2. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      Please feel free to write a doctor visit review- I think my new procedures could help many others....they just don't know it yet.

  8. Can barely sleep on nights like these. See you soon.

  9. Happy Valentine's Day!

  10. Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Happy VD to you too, lil tater pup!

  11. Looks like its time for my performance review.

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      A very in-debt review

  12. Hi Mistress Zhao. Whatcha want to do?

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Hi my sweet little tater! I wanna make a sweet potato pie out of your innards ;)

    2. Jeriko13


      Yup. You scare me. How about something that let's me leave with my entrails?

    3. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      But what fun is that? Once I take them out, I'll put them back in. Promise!

  13. Mistress Zhao, thanks s much for a great session. Never knew roleplay could be so fun and you continue to find new ways to debase me in such hot ways!

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      You make it so easy! It's always a riot with you Jeriko!!

    2. Jeriko13


      I might have to resist a little more then. Just a little.

  14. Thanks for a great session Mistress Tran. I'll be a better employee from now on!

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      I doubt it! I think Ill have to keep a close eye on you.

  15. Mistress Fei, it was great to meet you yesterday! Thanks so much! Welcome to the Fortress!

  16. Yay! Finally seeing you again soon!

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      Baby bulldog! Its been so long- Im going to have to make some intense memories.

    2. Jeriko13
  17. Hi Mistress Tran, I was looking to set up another session soon, but there Messenger system ins't working right now. There's some things I'd like to communicate off line first.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jeriko13


      I might do that. I'll wait a few days and see if the Messenger gets fixed first, but will email booking otherwise. Are you around near the end of December?

    3. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      I am actually around but not for Christmas.

    4. Jeriko13


      Ok, great. It wouldn't be that day anyway. I guess I haven't been naughty enough to get you for Christmas anyway =)

  18. Has anyone seen Lucky Number Slevin? Liked her in that quite a bit.
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