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Everything posted by Jeriko13

  1. I discovered my tendency towards kink at a very early age, stumbling upon my father's pornography. I do remember talking about about the images with another girl in my class, which must have been like 2nd or 3rd grade, since I distinctly remember it being in Catholic School and those were the only years I went. It didn't take. In truth, she was probably my first crush too. I don't remember anything about her other than those discussions and that she had red hair. Growing up, there was no shortage of porn to be found. He always rented videos or bought magazines, and did a terrible job hiding them. In any case, I was always drawn to the images, or the Penthouse letters, or the scenes, that had some relation to BDSM. The restraints, the scenes with spanking, etc. It didn't necessarily cultivate into a full-on realization that I was more into that than vanilla until college, when I could explore my fantasies a little more via the internet. Its not that I don't like a good deal of straight porn, just when its rough. I just like the stuff a little more on the fringes.
  2. I'm a big fan of The Smiths, though I know that's not the original point of the thread. I can understand how the two relate. While there's no music associated with my exploration of kink, there's obviously certain songs now that when I hear I think about the Fortress (the intended genius of the playlist, I'm sure). To a more benign point, certain songs do bring back memories of certain points in my life when I here them, though not so much a specific band, per se.
  3. Oddly enough, Mistress Jung's ass is probably the one I've seen the least out of all the Fortress Mistresses that have been around a while.
  4. I had to Google it. I don't watch the show.
  5. Rosetti's character is interesting to me because he's a psychopath in a suit. Violence exists just below the surface. He's everything that Lucky Luciano seemed like he was going to be, but never accomplished. The scene in the beginning of the season where he beat to death the guy on the road set up the "confrontation" between him and Nucky towards the end of the episode so well because you just felt like something was going to happen, but never did. The tension was there.
  6. Ok, I'm going to take a stab at this, but I'm all over the place, so I'm not overly confident here: Left to Right: Mistress Jung, Mistress Tran, Mistress Choi I'll take my punishment next time I'm in.
  7. Its a great show for sure. My favorite characters is probably Mickey Doyle. I love Harrow's character too. One of my favorite episodes was from Season 2 when he went "hunting". This season, Gyp Rosetti has alot of promise. And I can't dislike any character that Michael Kenneth Williams (Chalky) portrays after being Omar in The Wire.
  8. Anything new anyone has come across?
  9. Welcome back, Mistress Zhao. Would have been fun watching you try not to explode into a cavalcade of kink while you were on the cruise.
  10. My favorite kind.

  11. Good evening, Mistress Tran. Not sure what you say to soneone at 2:30am.

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      Hi! I dont sleep...to busy thinking of devious things to do to you...whats your excuse?

    2. Jeriko13


      I wish I could say it was something equally fun, but I'm just sick. =(

  12. Pick me! I'll be your porn buddy!
  13. Reminds me of that IKEA commercial.
  14. Seeing how NJ is #3, maybe its time to open a Fortress Newark =)
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