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Everything posted by Jeriko13

  1. I don't know if I can consider myself a sadist or masochist, really, more of a fetish enthusiast. I enjoy the give and take of control, at least in my personal sexual life. Normally, I'm a pretty aggressive person and probably borderline psycho (at least my thoughts are), but I like to be submissive at the Fortress. I think dominating one of the Fortress Ladies would feel a bit contrived to me, actually.
  2. Anyone see the pictures from the Miami Zombie story? Pretty gruesome.
  3. Ugh, URL fail. Here's the right one. I'm not that unfunny, I promise. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxBBN3ZnYeU&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  4. When I saw this ESPN's "Michael Jordan" commericial, I immediately though of Mistress Kang's love of peoples' reactions to things. The food delivery guy 16 seconds in had me laughing like crazy.
  5. I would like to know how this went. I would imagine that "everything else" might have been more than you expected.
  6. is having a tough time deciding.

  7. I don't think LMFAO would be nearly as popular if they wore those.
  8. Not sure if I'm a stallion, but you can ride me.
  9. I can't imagine any Mistress walking away though, haha.
  10. Happy New Year to you too Mistress Tran! Hope to get there soon.

  11. I'll have to remember to pick up spray paint next time I'm at the hardware store.
  12. Happy Birthday, Mistress Tran

  13. OH MY GOD! They trampled him so hard, he has no face!
  14. Mistress Tran, what interesting imagery you create with your demand.

  15. Back to the topic at hand, Mistress Tran, the tan looks great!
  16. Mistress Tran, Just wanted to thank you again for a wonderful time. I'm glad we were able to talk afterward about some future session ideas too.

  17. As a bonus, the proprietrix is much, much, much hotter than who I talk to at my local hardware store or my shoe cobbler.
  18. I've noticed this sexual aggressiveness from many of the Latin cultures, especially Dominicans and Puerto Ricans, even some Mexicans depending on what region they are from. In DR, the women will come up to you and grab you and encourage you to grab them as well. Many people mistake this for sluttiness, but I think that's just them knowing what they want.
  19. is going to have some sleepless nights until Friday

  20. Welcome back Mistress Tran, I missed you. Sounds like you had a great time in Brazil. Can't wait to hear about it and other stuff. ;)

  21. I like that all options have to be "open"
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