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sean behan

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  1. Dude---you are way too hardcore lol . If you just glance my nuts with a kick , if I feel the air I double over. I mean shit, they are small but there all I have lol---Sean
  2. Thank you all for your encouragement and help . I'm glad you all found something that brings you so much pleasure. Maybe I'll be back. Still undecided. I feel better then when I wrote my first post-- esp when I said "it hurt more then any physical pain I could ever recieve". Looking back that might have been alittle melodramatic. I mean given a chance between getting knee capped with a pistol or castrated or scalded with hot oil or getting my feelings hurt I think I'll choose getting my feelings hurt;) Thank you guys alot . I wish you all the best. Have fun--Sean
  3. Thanks TW for the post and also everyone else. Yes this was at the Fortress but I am in no way blaming anyone for my experience but myself. I visited the Fortress twice prior to this and had a great time. The facility is great. The Mistresses were great ,helpful and beautiful. And this time around the Mistress asked if there was any limit to the verbal abuse she could use and I foolishly said no. So then when it got really mean spirited the sexiness of the situation just evaporated. She was very beautiful but I just couldn't see it then. Then it was like go through the motions ,grin and bear it. After a while I'm saying to myself I know she thinks I'm disgusting so I'm pretty sure she is not having a good time with this, I feel real disgusting so I'm not having a good time either,so then what is the point. The only blame is on me for not knowing what it entails. I have no blame for the Fortress at all. But maybe for me it's like watching stunts on TV , now don't none of you crazzy kiddies try this stuff at home. Maybe I'm better off on the sidelines living vicariously through your posts. Or maybe I'll stand up, dust myself off and come back to get my ass kicked once again. Either way it's cool. Thanks --Sean
  4. I just want to thank everyone for taking the time to write and share your kind words and experience. After reading my original post I was suprised I didn't catch more verbal abuse for my misspellings and grammar but you all were very nice. I can see how one could get turned on by verbal abuse by your postings, but for me, it did the exact opposite. I turned inward and got numb . I felt so low I wanted to crawl under a rock and disappear. Maybe it's my disposition and over sensitivity and disliking certain things about myself that hearing them, all of them, and some new ones brought me back to some ugly times in life that have nothing to do with "fun". But it was a learining experience and as they say if you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen. Mistress Tran --thank you so much for your post. I also enjoy the playful exchange of power you described. I love submitting to beautiful women like yourself it's a real turn on. And sometimes there is a fine line between what is fun and play and what is not. You really put it elegantly , " finding pleasure in the control that is gained through truly understanding a subs wants and desires." Also like yourself I don't believe there was any intention by the Mistress to hurt me that deeply. Obviously, by the postings many enjoy this kind of verbal abuse.And when I told her I wished to stop she was kind and asked if I was ok and asked if I wanted to talk. At that time I touched on it briefly but I really didn't want to, I wanted to run. But all in all this was a learning experience to grow on. You were all very cool in responding and thank you so much. And Patches if there is a way to e-mail me on here I would love to hear your story. And hopefully after licking my wounds some more and some intense psycho-therapy (kidding) I will be able to return to the Fortress someday if they will have me. Until then best wishes --thanks Sean
  5. Recently I had a session in which I requested verbal abuse. Unfortunately for me sometimes things that seem fun on paper, when you actually do them you find out you should be careful what you ask for. It seemed the Mistress was genuinely disgusted with me,every aspect of me, that I felt uncomfortable to be in her presence. Becuase of this after a time I was so saddened that i could'nt continue the session. It was'nt her fault , she was just brutally honest about her hatred. I know everybody is "acting" playing parts but it felt real and i hurt deeply, more than any physical pain I could ever recieve. So my question to other subs is has this ever happened to you? And to the Mistresses of the Fortress, does it give you great delight to give this kind of pain and do you find it a badge of honour to be able to break someone like that? Thanks
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