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  1. Hey Toby. There must be some problem sending. I had some problems a while back also. My posts were duplicating for some time. Maybe contact Mistress Kang or go on the chat feature. If you want to contact me you can use rpgjr99@yahoo.com. WB

  2. Hey Toby, I responded to your comment on the Fortress Wives post a few days ago. Don't know if it was rejected or not as there haven't been any updates for awihle. If nothing gets posted by the weekend I'll respond here. WB

  3. MJK, Hello again! I agree with all Tommy said, gonna be downright brick in upper Europe. It stays cold right through March. Living in london right now and if I take the deal I have been offered I will be in NYC during December for 2-3 weeks training for the opening here in March, we could work something out if you are interested. My apartment is right behind Clapham Junction Rail Station, lots of travel by train over here. Waterloo Station is 8 minutes away! I have got some favorite spots as a list as well. You do not need more than 2 days in London however. I would think a trip to Scotland or Ireland would be much better but that would involve more than a train ride! I may be some help in Amsterdam as well for accommodation but it is not mine so planning would be explicit. As I have lived in France before I would have to say a day is all you need in Paris, sightsee shop eat and get out, the annoying French all live there. Visit Lyon, Dijon, or Biarritz! And if you go to Biarritz you may as well go to San Sebastian and upper Spain! Actually why not Spain, Portugal, and Morocco? Sorry started to ramble...... Is it EuroRail or Trail or pass? There is an app for eurostar. Toby
  4. Woffy, You probably don't remember me but I remember the back n forth trivia posts between you and dannyboy from a few years back, can only hope it still continues! I completely agree with you about Minnie Chan. I had finally worked out a multiple domme session with her included but by the time I pulled the trigger she had moved on. I was devastated. Her mix of "mind-fucking" and wonderful perverted wickedness, only to rediscover that in Mzhao. I was there to help Mkang train her in some of my favorite positions and perversions. I, myself, have always had a pining for Ahn and Seung,as a tandem but they are no more as well. What is truly remarkable about FF? The ladies do change but the talent is so well scouted that I would be more than thrilled to be part of a "bullpen" of husbands that took direction from the almighty administrator, and I would be part of a rotation for all the Mistresses both past and present. Would not be happy about anything metallic unless it involved an ass hook! Toby
  5. Hello All, I have been away for a long time but I have relished in all that I learned here. I have missed all of you, Jessy, Vu, Zhao, Ahn, Seung, and used your teachings to explore many different things. I am writing to you all now from London and it is late (over here!) but I had come across an old email about a holiday dinner and I sort of got nostalgic. Thinking about dim sum and when I was on holiday last week in NYC, I could not help but look up as I passed that corner on Hester. I wanted to see if the names were still the same and was disappointed that my old login didn't work but it has been a long hiatus but you never forget your first time which would be impossible considering the talent assembled in this amazing place! I hope to get through the looking glass again to the devotee side, there is much to share, and much more to explore! -toby
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