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Everything posted by Cindy212

  1. you should be flogged! did you see what those shoes look like? lol! that is where grandma's shop at. Hmm maybe you do want to get punished... Cindy
  2. yes i do shop sometimes at payless too... hey 29.00 bucks you cant go wrong! i am look for some nice knee high riding boots now. for the winter. i want them tight around the the calfs i dont like when they are like a bucket.
  3. yep the platform really adds 2 inches more.. the shoe height now seem to be min 4-5 inches with platform. in the old days there were no platforms shoes the the normal high heel was 3-31/2 inches and fetish shoes were 5 inches. i can walk all day in the right heel but but wrong angle heel is crippling no matter how cute. even sitting does not help lol! i am a size 11 also cuts back way down on shoe selection. cindy
  4. same size as me! dsw.com i go here but it gets crazy busy like a zoo soo many shoes. shoedazzle.com heels.com http://www.hautelook.com http://www.beyondtherack.com http://www.modnique.com https://www.solesociety.com/ www.zappos.com um payless.com they do have cheap shoes. that should do it. also you best bet to find anything your looking for http://www.shopstyle.com/browse/womens-shoes Let me know if you need anything else Cindy
  5. Hey Chen! Is's comming along :) did you get the like to the ruff copy from Zhao? I hope you like what i wrote about our time :)


  6. I am on a diet! But i have done the honey, chocolate syrup,strawberys and reddie whip in the past. Cindy
  7. i had to cancel something came up but i will see her this week.

  8. I just posted this week in the Devotee Forum it's in 3 parts it's very very detailed.. Cindy.
  9. Yes it is 100% to do with Pheromones that attach men it is a primal instinct that in engaved in our DNA and the same for woman too. but ther in another pasrt that many people dont know about is red lipstick and why alot of men are atracted to red lipstick. I will try and and put it in a nutshell red lips As we all know, when a woman is sexually aroused, her vulva enlarges and becomes reddish as a result of becoming engorged with blood - needless to say this is a very stimulating, exciting and sexy sight for her would be primal partner time for mating! just like birds strut their feathers and and mammals raise there tails to show they are ready. so as time went on women wor more clothes and the ws forgotten. an red lipstick came in to play. now subconscious with out knowing some men see red lips and it reminds them of an enlarged vulva and they get horny primal instinct. I think the french had a made a think called "lip rouge" to make you pussy lips redder. So some men and woman have a stronger primal instinct for odor and color. Cindy
  10. Thanks edgerAH not geting to much feedback tho.. trying to decide if i will write another one.


  11. I just posted part 2 I think you will like it.


  12. So looking forward to seeing you again btw did you get the link I sent about the book? Cindy
  13. lol! i am a blonde now.

  14. good question as I think about my session i start to play it back in my head. You see back in the day i was involved in the scene a long time ago and was always dom in public but in private with only a few i was switchable. When i was dom i was very verbal and expected my sub to comply and to surrender to me verbelly. So I guess i tried in my own way to resist total total domination by being a bit quite and also the session was so intense and so close to what i wanted i was almost in my own little world that i did not have to say much. I just want to totally let go which is hard for me but i am sure at the next session i will be able to do that and be very verbal in the role play with my dirty little mouth. I have some ideas i want to play out. The sesson was amazing and yes you may be a nervous but that is the exciting part about it. they will make your dreams come true. Cindy
  15. I am not a memember yet... but perhaps i am curious to see what you boys are up to in that area
  16. I had the pleasure of Mistress Mina Jung and Mistress Jasmine Chen wow! what an incredible place it was! and how beautiful and talented they both were i was speechless and i can be very good at role playing but i could only utter a couple of words lol! my legs were shaking but i had the biggest grin all day! and i am still shutter thinking about my time with them. i am still spent! Cindy
  17. Looking forward to next week this i have never been to a dungeon before! i have done alot in private but to go to someplace and starting a session with a complete stranger is very exciting! I dont know what to expect which is also the alure. Now i have to figure out which cute outfit to wear!
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