Yes it is 100% to do with Pheromones that attach men it is a primal instinct that in engaved in our DNA and the same for woman too. but ther in another pasrt that many people dont know about is red lipstick and why alot of men are atracted to red lipstick.
I will try and and put it in a nutshell red lips As we all know, when a woman is sexually aroused, her vulva enlarges and becomes reddish as a result of becoming engorged with blood - needless to say this is a very stimulating, exciting and sexy sight for her would be primal partner time for mating! just like birds strut their feathers and and mammals raise there tails to show they are ready. so as time went on women wor more clothes and the ws forgotten. an red lipstick came in to play. now subconscious with out knowing some men see red lips and it reminds them of an enlarged vulva and they get horny primal instinct.
I think the french had a made a think called "lip rouge" to make you pussy lips redder.
So some men and woman have a stronger primal instinct for odor and color.