does Boy happen to know about your interests? and were you at VELD @ downsview with deadmau5 & crew? couldn't even get tickets for that one, sold out!
anyways, here's a story from back in the playground days:
during recess, we'd play a game of "Prisoner", where the boys were hunted, tagged by the girls, and sent to "prison" (a small nook under the steps) until they were "rescued" by another boy or punished & released by the girls at the end of the game.
I could easily outrun most of the kids, but I'd run just slow enough to be a good little prey; it got me in jail every time. And any boy sharing a cell with me was usually completely uninterested in staying there, and would duck out against the rules when the girls weren't looking. I'd get a quizzical look trying to explain to them why we absolutely had to stay there no matter what until the girls came back to punish & release us.
Even when it was clear the girls completely got sidetracked (by the latest polly pocket or my little pony or whatever was hot then) and weren't playing anymore, I'd stay in my cell the entire recess.
I never understood why I enjoyed being such easy prey in a game of evasion. Something about the anticipation of what would happen to me when the girls returned with their punishments...