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Everything posted by Dashan

  1. just post your other picture and enough of this treacle
  2. Wall Street Journal picked up on the Grandpa cross dresser. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324677204578185590820349184.html
  3. Mine was simple. A whole day spent with someone who never usually takes time off from work. She also gave me a whiskey flask which will always remind me of her.
  4. This is tougher than Chinese arithmetic, but since it was killing me to not know, I figured it out, using integral calculus: Jung, Choi, Tran
  5. Well, assuming there are 7 active players at the FF, you do have 210 possible combinations. Even knowing that M. Jung is #1, it still leaves you with 30 combinations. Still, surprised none of us deviants could get it exactly right yet
  6. The best part will be watching how Nucky gets his revenge. I just love the ad copy this year "You can't be half a gangster"
  7. I've been to the great Mistress Kang's Fortress so many times I should have an equity stake in the place. I'm also a heavy corporal fan and there is no better place for you. Besides all the implements M. Kang has assembled, there are a bevy of brilliant mistresses that are TRULY SADISTIC and will take you past any limit you thought you had. They are also mindful and "safe" too. It will be the best money you ever spent and you'll be concocting reasons to find your way back.
  8. Probably your post to the answer about female subs at the FF. And it's not only the dommes that are nudists at the FF. I've been down that dark hallway naked myself more than once wondering if someone else would emerge from one of the other rooms.
  9. WTF is it with Mistresses taking vacations with their mothers? I'm starting to see a trend here...I bet if you snuck a peek into their kindle, you'd see they're reading "50 Shades." As they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. And going to Germany without enjoying the fetish scene there... an unpardonable sin. OK, I've said enough because both Zhao or Kang is liable to drop in on my next session with my owner and add some gratuitous pain.
  10. One of your best mistresses has beaten some sense into me; I'm no longer a recalcitrant sub. I'm as obedient as a neutered cat now.
  11. Fellow perverts and connoisseurs of feet, fetishes, and female domination, may I recommend to you the delightfully twisted and lovely M. Lahiri? I was minding my own business in session recently, desperately and inadequately trying to please my mistress, when into the room sauntered the lovely M. Lahiri. At the risk of offending M. Zhao, (this is a perilous risk), I must say that M. Lahiri is even more lovely, domineering, and just plain sexy than her photos portray. I quaked in her presence. She is voluptuous, and curvaceous, like an exotic Southeast Asian sister of Head Mistress Kang. M. Lahiri only blessed me with a few well-placed brutal strikes of her crop, but it was enough to not only frustrate me, but to show me her capabilities. She is a spicy, unique flavor of pro-domme and I am convinced that she will be a huge success at the FF; do yourself a favor and see if you can schedule a session with her.
  12. M. Kang, that is indeed a "kawaii" shot of you. MoMA also has a huge work by Murakami, which is worth seeing. He seems to love the hyper-sexualized, almost comically large-breasted petite asian women in his sculptures.
  13. Both, actually. I thought it took an exceptional woman to be in the "adult industry" and in the movie's case, an exceptional person to feel secure in a relationship with someone in the adult industry. I was sad when the girl left the pro-domme just out of jealousy/inability to deal with it. Of course, the moviemakers wanted to provoke that emotion in the viewer, but still, it hit close to home because none of my friends could believe that I was able to be in a relationship with a "dancer." So in reality, not only do the two people in the relationship have to deal with their emotions, but they have to deal with opinions of friends, family, etc. I agree with what many have said on these forums, the ladies of the FF are very special women for what they do for us, notwithstanding the stigma attached to the career choice by the judgmental, closed-minded individuals in society. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying my life in general is better for any time I've been able to spend with any of you remarkable women.
  14. Too bad. I was in a relationship with a "dancer" for a while and she said most men just can't handle their woman being in adult industry. I always thought it was the sign of an exceptional woman that could do it. In the movie, I just cringed when her girlfriend couldn't deal with it. Cest la vie.
  15. MJ, I saw "My Normal" about a month after my first visit to the FF. When I saw the scene where the domme sends the client emails that were videos of him at the dungeon to his work email, I suddenly got paranoid. I was just SURE that the FF had cameras all over and that you and Kang were going to somehow find my work email and send me videos. Later in the film (spoiler alert) I realized how that was all part of their "play." I also loved the scene in Union Square when at the end he says "thanks, that was so realistic." I enjoyed the film and I imagine there are some people like the lead character's girlfriend, who can't accept what pro-dommes do for a living. No Oscar winner, but worth watching.
  16. “Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves - slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. Live the actual moment. Only this moment is life.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dashan


      I can't wait. My calendar is open that evening.

    3. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      What a serendipitous surprise :) Or is it deliberate devotion ;)

    4. Dashan


      Utter and complete slavery to the divine MJ.

  17. My favorite shots by far are the last three in the set. The one with you in the frame, intently tying her down reminds me of our sessions, and the next two with the beaufutiful "final product" are rope masterpieces. Just wanted you to know that the effort you put into the shoot was appreciated.
  18. Kudos to Jessy Kang on the amazing, beautiful rope work in the tatami room photo set. Really an incredible work of art- vibrant colors, detailed knots, and amazing erotic appeal. Good photography by M. Zhao as well. Well done.
  19. I've had this discussion with M. Jung. I am convinced, at the deepest fibers of my being, that there are no natural female dommes other than pro-dommes. (And even most of them "switch"). Maybe you are an exception to this rule- but I'm still convinced that even you, the "HEAD MISTRESS KANG" would secretly love to completely surrender, release, and be objectified by the right, strong master. This is also why I love what you've done at the FF- you've identified very special women that are capable of dominating, at least in a professional setting. I in no way intend to imply that they don't enjoy their job; I simply mean that even they would love to be "topped" in their private life sometimes.
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