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Mistress Kang

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Everything posted by Mistress Kang

  1. Ha- glad you like it too lol I was re-reading this topic title and could see how someone might click on it expecting that their little SP (derivative of "SPH") was all of a sudden wow-worthy to me BWAHHAHHAAAA.and.HA.
  2. I don't go on vacation *every* year, but most of the time I do. This year it's Hawaii, Honolulu then Kona. Been looking for THE best luggage for carry-on. Suddenly I found myself on Youtube watching packing tips which lead me to this video where I let out a REAL LOUD WHOO-HOO at the end because I was truly WOWED LOL I'm TOTALLY rolling up my shirts :wink: But what about the other stuff!??! [media=] [/media]
  3. Only in Asia. It's too bad we can't enjoy fun stuff like this in NYC. Would love to buy so male-ab space ;-)
  4. Thank you KT ;-) Very flattering review. Mistress Tran and I talked about the session afterward too, we have many of the same interests especially when it comes to bondage ;-) Remember? Hogtie > Rollie Polie Bug > T-Rex > Alice > Super Tight Tight Hogtie > Then...the Baker! LOL HAHAHA
  5. Finally got some pics of the dental dam bikini up in the Gallery, did ya'll see it in the strip? :wink: Here's one more :wink:for ya!
  6. "Look what I can do!!" [media=] [/media]
  7. Still working on that roll of duct tape. I've Kittified my 7 port usb hub! Very neat. NEATO! I made a bikini out of dental dam. It's pink and green, has a very "Strawberry Shortcake" look. My first home-made "latex" outfit lol Will post pics once I locate them...
  8. Hey there you "loose cannon", just firing all over the place aren't you? Have you emailed us yet, Mistress Koi suggested? On another note (sort of), can you (not *you*, but ya'll!) imagine booking your session entirely through a public Forum?!
  9. The link sent me to watch it on Youtube. Very cute indeed I'd like to see that "pitch" for delivering a toy to first-time-sissy! Do we all know the dangers of being on Youtube? Look what I found. They are practically KISSING!! Watch 1:47 to 2:15 ("my wife don't get jealous") LOL [media=] [/media] Fast forward to fight day. Silva's showboating got him knocked out.
  10. Has anyone ever seen this amazing invention? LOL http://www.nubrella.com/ Jujubee, if you were having trouble with the ladies, you NEED one of these. It's a total chick magnet. I bet fistluvr has TWO! ;-D
  11. Does anyone know if there is a name for the gesture where you breath on your nails and "shine" them on your shirt (ie: "I'm kind of a big deal...")? In any event, I think of myself as somewhat of a selfies-connoisseur [insert gesture here] :wink: Here's the new gallery we've added, they were taken during a recent shoot-day at the Fortress while I was alone in the Pink Room (Mistress Zhao didn't know! LOL) Have a look-see: http://fortressnyc.c...re_kang_selfies P.S. My legs look particularly SHINY in this one, almost as shiny as my shoes! Speaking of my shoes, don't they just look so...so...lick-able?! DON'T THEY! >Sslurrpp!! :grin:
  12. My sense of what's weird is definitely skewed, and I think most, if not all, of the Fortress ladies feel the same way. That said, I can see how his work is reaching out and can appreciate it for what it is. But I agree with Sunya on how it could have been more "eyeball-popping-out-and-catching". I've been itching to make a Moma trip, if I do add this to my itinerary I'll report back On another note regarding art and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Although his art is not sexualized, it does come from a place in his brain where his wiring is probably as messed up as ours! I think he's pretty awesome. http://www.willard-w...om/default.aspx In his interview he says that he has accidentally inhaled his work before LOL Scroll down to the last video (kind of long but interesting!): http://www.willard-w....com/video.aspx
  13. Here, took some of the legwork out for you people LOL Her name in English is Kyary Pamyu Pamyu: https://www.google.c...lient=firefox-a Skip to 0:23 when she starts talking. Just makes you want to puke a rainbow, right? [media=] [/media]
  14. Wow, we can always count on slumberjack to crack a joke So corny I *HAVE* to LAUGH!! LOL Just you all know, I do NOT like eyeball discussions, so skimmed through before posting this- HA!
  15. FYI guys, the FortressNYC.com web and email server is located outside of the US on a dedicated server and had been since we have opened.
  16. H.A.R. H.A.R. That's a good one lol Thank you for the birthday wishes ;-)
  17. So...I've decided to knit myself something. More specifically, an oversized hooded scarf with pockets Here's my equipment: Overall it will be "mulit-colored", one pocket will be pink the other will be blue. I got some wooden toggle buttons and an ice cream cone patch too for fun :wink: But anyways, has anyone ever noticed how much knitting is like KNOTTING?! [media=] [/media] [media=] [/media] Now I just have to decide which stitch to use! Any suggestions? LOL
  18. Un-groovy? Yes that pipe is quite smooth. The size of that pipe compared to the building is the size of XXX compared to "you".
  19. If you heard disco music after reading the topic you get a high5, everyone else gets a face-5! Hmmm..or should I say vice-versa? :-) Now that I have your attention and smile on your face. I SAID *AND A SMILE ON YOUR FACE*. :-D I was walking along the sidewalk and spotted this "protrusion". It reminded me of something and made me want to share. Just imagine similar proportions on a subhuman. SPH??
  20. "...a true artisan when it comes to forced-fem and sissy sessions Mistress Yee knows exactly what it takes to totally transform her submissives into objects of desire." I would say, that's an affirmative! I'll make you a believer ;-) Emailing you personally!
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