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Mistress Kang

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Everything posted by Mistress Kang

  1. Me? I've been growing my hair oh about 23-24 hours every single day. Well..ok, not *every* day, I'll sometimes skip a day or five. Pretty exciting stuff nonetheless! And the results (so far) are just enthralling, wouldn't you say?
  2. Nice save there "6 for *each*" I do wonder though, how you fared when roles reversed? Inquiring minds...
  3. Thanks joey. I thought the snow looked a little strange last night. Did anyone else notice? It seemed a little more "sparkly" than usual.
  4. Welcome aboard femdom-man aka "noob". There are 3 big reasons why I like playing with newbies: 1- Their inexperience makes their reactions seem more genuine, less pretentious. 2- Their lack of context for activities I enjoy leaves them disoriented and apprehensive- fun to watch. 3- Best of all, knowing how high I've set the bar for every subsequent experience..*siiigh* It's not common for a novice to openly request "no holds barred"- usually there's still a small need for self preservation left LOL It's rare, so I wonder how serious you are (about receiving your first KANG-ing) ;-D If you are- then all you have to do is call or email to book your session- [email protected] or use the submission form on the site- super simple! http://fortressnyc.com/contact
  5. How athletic are we talking? These are certainly considered "muscular" and sexy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_qgBBOFFOU https://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=BBsJy-jzWiA These are undoubtedly muscular: According to the comments, the she goes nude in the full 6 minute long video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=MFwkVFtJku4 Good at 0:34 through 0:58- This video doesn't have much leg action, but I was COMPELLED to post anyways ;-) Enjoy if you can!- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rAH75lKPOU
  6. What's *your* fetish "porn"? Remember porn is in PARENTHESIS lol
  7. I put porn in parenthesis because it's fetish-porn. For my "huge back fetish", this video is pretty awesome. Makes me all blushy and giggly watching it, but just up to 0:45 - everything past that was too "V" shaped and I don't like little waists..
  8. I don't think I'm the only one who uses their feet to do things like pick stuff up off the floor, change the channel on the remote, tie a tie..LOL Aside from the *obvious* direction one's mind might stray, what have you done with *your* feet? And for the fetishists- what sort of Rated G stuff do you like seeing feet do most?
  9. What a blast from the past! Remember Joey Buttafuocco? He has a has a sex tape out somewhere and Amy Fisher is making porn! Penis made her shoot someone on the face!! LOL
  10. Oh! "Realm of the Senses"! That movie was sort of in the same genre as "The Lover" but with added sexual gore. Watched "Realm of the Senses" on DVD and did the nasty in the theater while watching "The Lover"- it's a really really LONG movie...
  11. Actually someone told me it's a mother-daughter show- and in every single show the mother is holding that binder in front of her LOL
  12. Anyone ever been to Times Square during NYE?
  13. YAY- thank you to all my "respondees" Was there anything eventful on your NYE? I went to a comedy club in. After the headliner's act, we watched the people in Times Square on the monitors for a couple of minutes (Psy was a guest of the host(s)- it was his birthday). The ball dropped and we all toasted, it was very sweet
  14. Happy New Year To Everyone!!! Don't anyone go dyin' on me. Until next year... Just felt like posting this
  15. I "censored" a page of links that he had accidentally selected when he had copied and pasted his post.
  16. I love a good laugh. I woke up to this video clip and laughed for a good three minutes before popping out of bed- thanks to my dirty old Screendoor, good for more than slamming and banging (shut). Now it's your turn! [media=] [/media] To laugh. Cyber-slamming my Screendoor is subpar.
  17. Shame on Stan Pargman for trying to steal the spotlight.
  18. Almost forgot the big chain! It's green and on my keys
  19. My favorite are the robots- the skinny little black one (lol) and the big fat white one (ha!) There's also a comb, some chains, a bracelet, and a little orange alligator which is the most useful of all
  20. Made a trip to the Makerbot store in Soho to drool... They were so nice, I left with a bunch of free stuff LOL
  21. Not really a gift, but I did get a new pair of fingerless gloves! They're SOOO FREAKIN KUTE! What are their names you ask? Why, it's Kitty and Mitty of course LOL
  22. My favorite was a family calendar that my aunt made for everyone. It has pics of everyone on their birthdate and more family pics on each month. The best is super old picture (taken maybe 60+ years ago) of my grandma and her sister (my great aunt). More in Devotee..
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