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Mistress Kang

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Everything posted by Mistress Kang

  1. "How $heeyit"??!! LOL Thanks, I'm flattered you are all enjoying them
  2. Dearest Soon-To-Be-Contenders, Mistress Tran showed me a few of these items, she was so excited about them I can assure you that in the hands of the diabolical, these tools quickly transform and become more useful than originally intended. Good Luck!!
  3. Oh so many... Same same but different: More... If only more of you subbies had longer hair. Siiigh...
  4. Mistress Tran's Vietnamese Interrogation Tactics...to die for!
  5. Now, now, we can't be as lucky like you woffy LOL whip- I'll personally see to it that the stars line up for you this time around! Stars...they're what you see when you're under my spell, isn't it? On another note- do you recall actually having met each other (albeit briefly) when we had our "Dim-Sum-Domme-Day"? (lol) Brings me to memories of this cute-funny song and video- "Dim Sum Girl" by The Notorious MSG. Has anyone ever heard of them or this song? [media=] [/media]Dim Sum Girl.mp3
  6. Nearly all our German customers speak perfect English, it is more of a courtesy and a way to let them know they are welcome and wanted. Being a tourist in NYC is expensive, all the more so if you go to a rip-off place. I think Fortress is a pretty cool experience to have if you are visiting. It would be great to get a review on a German language BDSM forum with a link to the German translation *hint* *hint* ;-)
  7. I based the languages on traffic numbers, not that much for Hebrew. You volunteering to do it?
  8. Our German and French site translations now live: http://www.fortressn...om/de/index.php http://www.fortressn...om/fr/index.php For those of you whom are native speakers, proofreading and corrections would be appreciated!
  9. *facepalm* LOL This should be interesting... How about a few sample options to choose from for starters?
  10. Ha! I was wondering how long it would take for this to reach the Forum! I'm glad it did- good job fistluvr As you (should) all know by now, I'm ALL about the *factoids*...LOL During my fun factoid finding on this *marvelous* Gangnam Style video and PSY himself, learned about the Korean "Tree Frog" folk tale. There are many versions of it available online, here's one of the longer version (there are lots of other Korean folk tales on that site if you're interested): http://www.scribd.com/doc/7071558/Korean-FolkTales Here's the article that prompted my Google-time which includes PSY's music video for "Tree Frog": http://www.allkpop.com/2012/07/behind-the-music-psy-and-g-dragon-are-tree-frogs Has anyone ever heard of this folk tale?! There are a ton Korean folk tales in that first link. My conclusion- I am absolutely, positively, most definitely, a tree frog or, as some say, blue frog What about you- do you think you are or nay?
  11. Phoebe, I appreciate you allowing my privacy since I was not alone, even if inadvertently. I would have of course extended you the same courtesy had I spotted you but you were not dressed like I had last left you. Believe me, if you were sissy-girl-dressed, heeled, covered in sloppy red lipstick with a locked chain for chastity I would have noticed you ;-) I was just thinking how truly strange it is that you saw me on vacation. The last time I was "spotted" on vacation was on a flight back from China. One of our fellow Forum members told me he was standing in line, probably for Customs, with me off of a flight from China where he was sitting only 1 or 2 rows front of me. I didn't know it was him until he told me what his t-shirt looked like which I remember the back of (since I was standing behind him in line). WEIRD...! Find Kang!
  12. Your first post asks for someone to take you to your owner. So you were willing to go with anyone you were lead to? LOL
  13. What's the difference? Movies are available in mp4 format these days, you dinosaur ;-)
  14. I had no idea you were a train and plane enthusiast! Did you know that diners were originally old dining cars separated from the train and parked somewhere? I've always enjoyed this little factoid, especially because I love diner food
  15. Rollo- I agree rollo- I agree that easier for men to obsess over a woman's buttocks than it is for us to obsess over a man's. However, I personally obsess over muscular men's backs, specifically in a flexed pose, or in a relaxed pose from a downward view My Android holds my own perverted version of a Little Black Book which I call my "Big Back Book" Cell cam pic after cell cam pic of "slut conquests" flexing their back muscles for me *siiiigh* I love your childhood story too It sounds to me like you wanted more attention from them than you actually received in their fulfilling their "threat" of teaching you a lesson. I don't necessarily believe there was a defining D/s element to it- do you? Although I don't really even know much about you- my guess is that you are a bottom and possibly a switch by necessity (not by choice). Am I correct?
  16. So sweet EdgarAH! Even though I may not have been involved in your sessions- I've always enjoyed the hilarity of your sesion content as well as the props! My favorite to date has to be the bear costume and dead FISH! LOL
  17. Hey there Brutus- cool name Reminds me of the anti-Popeye character LOL So your kryptonite is a couple of skilled fingers wiggling like crazy just on top of your skin? HA! Good for you that Choi attacked you with her deadly sexiness and "dancing" flames for fingers!!
  18. Hi svsub! Ms. Heung is part of our Fortress Alumni. Of our current Fortress Players who available for sessions, Ms. Mina Jung and Ms. Lily Choi are also Korean and as, if not exceedingly, beautiful I believe you may have already met Mistress Jung! With full Forum access you may view Heung's Fortress Alumni Forum Gallery on the Forum. Here's the link: http://www.fortressnyc.com/forum/gallery/album/141-switch-heung/ Enjoy! I'm happy to arrange your next session, perhaps a "Korean Invasion" with both Mistress Mina Jung and Mistress Lily Choi together!!
  19. This sounds like you know who your owner is. Who?
  20. I think most of you guys have it right- general stuff over email and details in person. For the most part, we'd prefer more details during the booking process, not less. However, more details does not mean more specific. When scene "instructions" are too specific, the fun is lost and that defeats the whole idea of "playing"! I find that people are less inclined to be as specific when they're talking to someone face to face. Maybe a good rule of thumb would be- If you can make the same super-specific request in person, then (skip the email) please do so. We'll be more receptive to them in a conversation than we'd be reading it from an email or message being passed on, especially without a face behind it. The above is most true for new visitors. After the your visit, you'll have a much better idea of how best to communicate with your Mistress. If you've already visited the Fortress and it's your first time sessioning with another Player, then you've got a leg up! It's very likely that we've already heard about you in all your glory, how you are a sub- especially if she referred the other Mistress to you!
  21. Here's a teaser to the my complete vacation album I'll be posting in the Forum Gallery. I've also posted with more detail in the Devotee Forum, check it out if you have access! If you don't have access- get it! Be there or be square haha
  22. The hardcore lifestyle femme-subs I've met are tough as nails. Their limits are firm and are not afraid to say "no". I believe the reason for this is self-preservation. They prefer hardcore play, not furry handcuffs with the occasional love tap, without rules they risk injury beyond pleasure. P.S. I've come to the realization that I'm just an extremist in almost every way- I'm sitting here at my desk drinking my usual smoothie and a hot coffee at the same time. Either I'm an extremist or I can't make up my mind LOL
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