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Mistress Kang

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Everything posted by Mistress Kang

  1. Merry Festivas and Happy Daze! A New Year is just around the bend!!
  2. You might find more takers if you offered to be more than just a spittoon. Spittoons used a spittoons are BOOOORRRING. Creative sadists (of the psyche and physical) are more interested in wrong-doing and wrong-using Using an ear as a spittoon is in the right direction...kick it up 8 notches.
  3. From earlier posts, I know many of you share my like for people watching- kudos to you for being as cool as me. Adding to that, I particularly enjoy picking up on the tiniest of idiosyncrasies during this pastime. It's even more enjoyable when I engage them in conversation- verbal, physical, mental (aka mind-fucking)- like their personal front-row-undercover-brain-heckler LOL Now- back to people watching and gestures. I LOVE comedians for their idiosyncrasies especially if they just complete the joke. Dana Gould is a bit preachy for my tastes BUUUT..... HIS GESTURES IN 3:25 - 3:55 ARE UTTERLY FANTASTIC HILARIOUS AMAZINGLY FUNNY LOOOOOL I'm totally gonna do that while ordering my ice cream (cone tonight) after dinner HAHA Not in sessions though- I prefer menacing, yet subtle, gestures that make subbies drool...and cry, bleed...ya know, just controlling general leakage because you can't LOL
  4. Awesome game. I find it fun to inspect every detail of the photos- details I bet would not even occur to most... Just remember- it's a *guessing* - *game* Winning isn't everything LOL If you only have Guest access: I'm sure you can just imagine the Devotee-version, yes?
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