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Everything posted by Jayman

  1. Drop Dead gorgeous. Your beauty stops me in my tracks!
  2. Jayman

    You are sooooo cute! This sunglasses really compliment your lovely face, Ms. Li. Hope you had a fun day.
  3. Jayman

    bondage lingerie

    That outfit compliments your tight goddess body nicely. Looks amazing!
  4. You are one beautiful woman!
  5. Hi Mistress Katz, This was a great article and I think I'm going to pick up the book. Thanks! This surprised me also. It's something I never would have thought.
  6. Jayman

    You're hotter then sun!
  7. I've only ever played in the Pink and Steel room. But I agree with Mistress Zito, I love to have space. Wrestling is one of my biggest fetishes so I like the room to move around. "But I do love to have space to throw you all over". That would be fun as hell considering we're almost the exact same height. I've only got you by an inch.
  8. Jayman

    Lazy Sunday

    Thats a beautiful pic.
  9. I've never experienced subspace like that but it sounds really interesting. How long does it last the following day?
  10. Jayman

    You are a world rocking beauty, Von Dietz! Seriously, you take my breath away.
  11. Jayman


    Jesus! Look at those stems. I can't get over what a stunner you are, Ms. Von Dietz.
  12. Very Interesting Article! Thank you for sharing Mistress Brinks.
  13. Thanks for posting these photos, Mistress Brinks! It looks amazing.
  14. I'm laughing so hard at the P.S. Very funny, Ms. Kang!
  15. Jayman

    Schoolgirl Daze

    Jesus, you are beautiful!
  16. Hi Mistress Shankar, I completely agree with you on this. The post session meal is really satisfying and also allows me to get my head straight.
  17. All the mistresses looked incredible. I really want to go to a fetish party someday! It looks like so much fun.
  18. Jayman


    What a physique! You should never wear cloths, Mistress Rey. It's the "Goddess Gene" all over again.
  19. Jayman

    In Your Dreams

    Yes this is! Man, I can't get over the cute/hotness of you.
  20. Jayman

    Bangs or No Bangs?

    Love the bangs but you would look great with either.
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