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Everything posted by Jayman

  1. What are you painting? Wish I could contribute to that endeavor, my muse.
  2. Wow, you are cute! Love your hair and those pants. : )
  3. Love this pic. Really like the piercings.
  4. This is giving me flashbacks of the last time we played.
  5. Jayman


    Very, very Cute!
  6. Jayman


    I like naughty! You make look fantastic, Mistress Zelda.
  7. I bet! My work is nuts and my sleep schedule is completely out of wack. I haven't had time for anything, let alone working out. We will play, Mistress Zelda. I promise.
  8. Just WOW! Serves em rite then. I would never want to disappoint you, M Von Dietz. Honestly, the sense of failure I would have would be as torturous as anything you would to to me. Your exquisiteness is unmatched.
  9. Jayman

    No. No, that bear could no resist at all : )
  10. Jayman

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! Lolly Pops!
  11. Earthy555, Just as questionmarks and job1617 have said, Send an email. You won't regret it. They are awesome. Jay
  12. Jayman


    Wow, what cuteness! Those lips and those eyes. Yummz!
  13. Oh My! I bet you look incredible wearing that.
  14. What a majestic figure. Again, the "Goddess" Gene!
  15. Hey Mistress Zelda, I'm actually trying to figure out my schedule because I would LOVE to engage in a wrestling session with you. Feeling the force of your physicality against mine would be a HUGE turn on. You have some very defined arms, shoulders and back muscles. May I ask what you do to keep yourself in such impressive shape? You look amazing! It's something I admire as I work out hard almost every day and can appreciate what other do to keep themselves so fit and toned.
  16. Oh, Man! I have to know where thst is, M Rey. Looks like my kind of place.
  17. Hell yeah they are! It's impressive. The photos of her flexing in the pink room were burned directly into my Spank Bank.
  18. Jayman

    I can think of half a dozen places to be kicked but nothing can compare to those eyes! Those alone could own me. What a stunner!
  19. I would not last a second in this type of play! I'm so ticklish it's not funny. Ugh. Man, I just keep thinking back to when I was a real little kid. I had a baby sitter that would hold me down and tickle me mercilessly whenever she was watching my sister and I. She would only stop when I would let her know I was about to pee. No-win predicaments are hot!!!
  20. Jayman

    pink light

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