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Everything posted by Jayman

  1. This was funny as hell! As for your main question: Right now I work on a project now with a young woman who is half African and half Swiss. She is stunning! Her skin is light brown and she has piercing blue eyes.
  2. Though your beauty and dominance would be a trip to endure. I've gone through way too much to bend and change my mindset to that philosophy. That being said, it would be a WILD role play!
  3. This is such an interesting post. She never really got to "Kang Bang" me the way she wanted too. I couldn't take it, which i think she found amusing.
  4. Wow! This reminds me of my step sisters when I was growing up. The pen licking is something the older one, Marcy, would do.
  5. Jayman

    Kang and Rey

    Now thats a lovely pic! I love the contrast. M Kang is cute, sexy and smiles! While M Rey looks sleek and entrancing! Hope you had a good night!
  6. Thanks Manpeach, I'll watch my six. Even though the thought of one of the Mistresses getting revenge on me is a huge turn on.
  7. MP, I don't mean offend any of the Mistresses. This was just a thought, Jay You are correct!
  8. Thanks M Kang, This question, it got me thinking again. I re-read The Black Kiss comic. And I realize that it did have an extreamly profound impact on me as a kid. I had the tendency to like this a little earlier but that comic drove it home. It dawned on me as I was reading it again. I almost fell out of my chair. It's in deep! There are two sequels, both written recently, after 20 years. I Just read the second one .... As a kid, If I had picked it up and flipped it open to the page with the panels below, It would have demented me much more. The original comic only eluded to this type of play. Thank you for this thread, M Kang ;-) Jay
  9. I'm enjoying reading all the different responses on this thread. Very interesting. I have a few guilty pleasures. - I love being a pain in the ass. Being an inconvenience to someone that I don't particularly like puts a spring in my step. - Buying amenities for myself from Home Depot and having whatever company I'm working for at the time pay for it. - Putting crazy glue on quarters and then sticking them on side walks. It's hilarious to watch people walking by try to pick them up. I haven't done that in years. Doing that in a mall during the Holidays is even better! I'm sure I have some more but I can't think of them at the moment.
  10. Here's something I was thinking about today. I do push ups as part of my work. I started doing them in my early teens and haven't stopped. Currently I'm trying to do 300, on bars, every day. I used to do between 200 and 300 every other day but I changed that. When I was in the Army I could do 120 standard push ups in 2 minutes. So I was wondering what Mistress at the Fortress do you think can do the most push ups? They are all fit and in shape so It would be an interesting challenge, too me at least. If there was a contest I would be rooting for M Lu because she is the smallest (That would probably be until one of the other mistresses beat my ass down until I rooted for her. ) I'm a little guy and I have an affinity for anyone else of like stature, especially admirable females. So what says you? I think any of the mistresses would impress the hell out of all of us, but which one do you think could do the most? Here is a link to a young woman knocking the s&%t out of it with 63 push ups. Jay
  11. Those stems! I would love to be crushed between them!
  12. Holy st!!! That's sexy as hell!
  13. The double domme wrestling would be AWESOME! But first I would love a ONE ON ONE with a mistress. Establish a report with her then move onto a double session. I have a fantasy where I start a session fully clothed then have two mistresses grab me and tear the cloths off my body right before they start roughing me up, relentlessly.
  14. Dito Mistress Rey! I would use a safe word only at my very breaking point. I always want my limits pushed. Anything else, to me, is mundane. During a session I want the mistress to see how much of her will, wrath and molestations I can bear. To show her my devotion through my ability to endure whatever twisted, perverted, wallop her sadistic mind chooses to inflict. It thrills and arouses me to think of how much of a mistresses brute force I would be able to sustain.
  15. Forgot about this old post, very hot and fun! This would be heaven with any of the Mistresses at the Fortress. Oh, That would be an awesome contest. But me thinks M Tran would crush it.
  16. I like the idea of a safe word but its not necessary. For me I would want to have to be forced say it over and over and over before the mistress would stop. One of the best memories of my last session at the Fortress was begging M Kang to Stop repeatedly and she didn't. The thought of her doing what she wanted and enforcing her will on me is getting me worked up even as I write this. The other thing she did, while we played, was say "Ok, just one more." It's never ever "just one more." Thats so hot! So, in my opinion, a safe word should be used sparingly.
  17. I remember theaters like this. Cinema 9 in Sayreville (Or Slayerville as we used to call it because all the kids there were so Metal.) was one I used to ride my bike by as a kid. I remember my father used to mutter things to himself when we used to drive past it. He was strict and a cop and used to tell me he would kill me if he ever found out went into a theater like that. I was always curious about the happenings inside but I'm kinda glad I never did go to one. When I was real little, Around 5 , and he was still a city cop, I remember him taking my sister and I to the city and I remember seeing the XXX theaters along with street walkers and asking my father "Why are those ladies dressed like that? What are they doing?" and him saying "Don't look at them, those women aren't good people." And I concur M Kang "Hair Pussy is not ment to be shown on the big screen." Hairy pussy is too much! Hairy anything, for that matter, is too much!
  18. That would be fantastic! It would be even more brutal if you were forced to take a Viagra before the device was put on. The thought of that is frightening to me.
  19. Hey M. Kang, Yes & no. Forgive me if this is a little long. But I think I should explain. The first time I can recall ever getting aroused by something was watching Wonder Woman with Linda carter. I remember Wonder Woman was beating up a a couple of guys and then tying another one up in her magic lasso. I was probably about 4 and it gave me a huge erection. It's still very clear to me because I remember thinking "I want Wonder Woman to do that to me when I grow up!" (Up until the age of 7 I carried a small picture of Linda Carter as Wonder Woman with me everywhere.) Now when I think about it, around the time I discovered The Black Kiss comic I saw the movie Fatal Attraction as my Parents had the VCR tape. I remembered being turned on by the sex scenes in the movie but there was something about The Black Kiss that turned me on even more. Something about it drew me in and hit all the right buttons to get me aroused. The female lead is extremely dominant, perverse and insatiable. She is very in charge, dominating men physically and sexually. The dialog was extreme ranging from hardcore filthy language to female sexual bereavement of men about their performance during intercourse. Also it was the first I ever saw of corsets, choker necklaces, garters and stalkings. I have fetishes for those things now. Especially corsets and choker necklaces. They are a major turn on for me. When I visited you at the fortress the last two times I requested you wear a corset and a chocker necklace. (You look AMAZING wearing both! Smoldering! I'm getting worked up just thinking about it. ;-)) I know were that stems from now. And I can now honestly say that Femdom and BDSM turn me on much more then regular porn. So it's not the one reason I like what I like but it is a HUGE factor of why I like it.
  20. Wow, M Lu! Do I feel old? NahI I'm not old in the head, yet. But you could google porn when you were young. I, and many others here, had to search and dig for that shit when we were young. How old where you, about, when you discovered it? Thats a question to everyone. I was 8.
  21. Hey Manpeach, No, No offense at all. My job is kinda unusual and often I can only come on and check out the forum for a little bit. No worries. I'll respond today.

    1. Manpeach


      glad to hear that. Thanks for friending me

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