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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Mistress Kang, Thank you, thank you, thank you I am now hooked on the BunnG the first one I got was so good I ordered all the other colors. I hope I get the chance to model them all for you soon. Dan Kangpagne Drinker
  2. After seeing her dance routine I just want to go out clubbing with the two of you I am sure it would be a blast.
  3. Mistress Kang, The fortress site is just not the same without your beauty being on there. I use to steal glances of you at work in my office, it was a lot of fun with the nervousness of getting caught by my staff adoring your beauty. Are you planning on putting your pictures back on the site anytime soon? :cry:
  4. Mistress Kang, I found three more pictures I needed to add to my list.
  5. I have 2 that I love one from the group and 1 from the site.
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