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Mistress Choi

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About Mistress Choi

  • Birthday March 7

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  1. Hi Ms Choi, just wanted to say how incredible you look in your most recent Players pictures.

  2. Haha, Mistress Siri! "Siri, remind me to go to the Fortress on Tuesday" "Remind yourself, worm!" Puck, remind me of where you order tea from? :-)
  3. Stinger, you'll have to see both of us in person, together, to really say which one of us is fiercer! ^.^ Nyclatex, perhaps next time I shall have to just drape myself in sheet latex - it IS October, latex sheet-ghosts anyone?
  4. Bradley, What is your fear to My joy? you know I wouldn't let anything...bad...happen to you. Besides, there are many ways to surrender and accept chastisement without being bruised or marked visibly :-) I love that you let go enough for me to push you past previous levels, and I hope that we can progress further, and soon. No backsliding! -M Choi
  5. :-) It was wonderful meeting you - I look forward to putting our own twist on future scenarios. We shall have so much fun with you!
  6. spankbri, I think that you've made a generalization that isn't necessarily true. Granted, I see the world through Domme-tinted glasses...but even women who seem submissive can be much stronger inside than you would think. As all us lovely ladies here know, many men who present themselves to the world at large as dominant, are not - or prefer to surrender themselves to a Domina's tender mercy in their deeper personal lives. Add them to the amount of men who are outwardly submissive, and the split isn't as extreme as you may think. Perhaps you just haven't learned how to read kinky people yet - as someone who experiments with both sides, it can be hard to definitively read vibes. It can be found in little things, like a quick, calculating glance, or how one reacts to having someone of the opposite sex step closer to them. What I really find amusing is how many men are so quick to assume that stereotypes are truth set in stone - like the "all Asian women are submissive" thing! LOL!
  7. Jeriko! Duh not Buffalo Wild Wings - ewwwwww. I personally prefer Duff's, the original one - as the new franchises which have popped up kind of suck, as I hear tell. Anchor Bar is good, but you can't beat Duff's. I can't believe how hot they are though - after suffering through what passes for hot wings here in NYC, yowza! Nyclatex, I should have figured you would be there, with your fistpumping obsession! I met up with friends from all over North America there and had a total blast dancing in the rain. I was waiting for the stage to be struck with lightning, but I'm so happy it wasn't. Thanks for posting that clip - it's great that you can see the rain pounding down. I loved the giant demon tentacle face during deadmau5's set - creepy and fantastic :-)
  8. blackstalian, Yes, he knows haha. It's all his "fault", even if was over a decade ago! And yes, I was at VELD. It was a semi last minute decision but there were no issues getting tickets a couple weeks beforehand. I saw a few people trying to buy wristbands outside of the park though. As far as festivals go, it was pretty small but a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing your story! How fun - we just pelted balls at each other, til the boys would cry and I'd get in trouble. Does anyone else have childhood stories of this bend to share with us?? :grin:
  9. Very recently (this past weekend), I took a little trip to my hometown in Western NY on the way to a music festival in Toronto. Nothing would do but to put together an impromptu reunion with people I haven't seen in roughly a decade. Including one of my very first boyfriends, who happens to be the first boy I ever tied up. With the exception of him, my friends were/are all more or less vanilla, and fairly innocent in our youth. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but the book 50 Shades of Grey comes up in conversation. Not just once, or at one place, but at both dinner and the after dinner drinks bar. We kept it reasonably clean at dinner, jokingly talking about the horrible writing and the Gilbert Gottfried narrated youtube video. However, once the celebratory reunion drinks start running more freely...the conversation gets a bit more in depth. I love that I discovered that my childhood friends all have a little freak living inside of them! Although, the highlight of the night had to be my oldest friend at the table saying: "Well, guys, the reason that the book is so hot is because it voices everything that ALL females want! We want to have our hair pulled, be shoved against a wall, and taken! We just don't know how to ask for it. And guys want to do it too but they're afraid that we will freak out." All round the table, my girlfriends nod in agreement. Surprisingly, I am not the one to disagree - boy the first is. "I disagree - not all men want to do that - I want it to be done to me!" Silence. He shrugs, looks at me, and says "I'm submissive." Happily, another of my girls jumped in saying "Well, that explains why my boyfriend got so excited the first time he saw my handcuffs on my bedpost." What a way to bond!
  10. Hey I figure I drop a line and say hi! I haven't been on in a while. In response to your other message, I'm doing alright for the most part. Struggling a little with a few things, but that's the case for all of us in life. Otherwise, I'm just trying to work my ass off, and on the side meet some personal goals. How are you doing? How's your summer going? I saw your "perfume thread" and couldn't resist. Hehe. :)

  11. Ring toss in reverse :-) Repeatedly, and in quick succession.
  12. :-) you know, you *are* a brat.

    1. ticklebrat


      Yes Mistress.. and Your point is? (snicker:)

  13. I miss the sound of My whip whistling through the air to wrap around your waist. :-)

  14. oh you meant GIMP :-) Gimp masks still freak me out a little bit - I like to see the sweat beading on my subs brow, and the look of frightened desperation - but I love straitjackets and having a full suit with bondage points is just SO convenient! I think something like this is fun and it would look great on. It would be even better if the arms were separate but laced together like that, for better mobility of the arms as some people just aren't flexible enough.
  15. Oh, I want in on this too! :-) Again, what is this mercy that you speak of?
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